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SUCRE :: Les muguets/Lilies of the valley 30 APRIL/1 MAY ONLY

Lady Hartfield
9 years ago
264 posts

1 May has come around again, and so has my lilies of the valley giveaway. In France, the tradition is that 1 Mai is the day to give friends and loved ones little bouquets of muguets (lilies of the valley). In observance of 1 Mai, SUCRE is again offering a little vase filled with muguets. These are FREE, no copy, but they are transferable so you can get as many as you like and send to friends. Available on the Marketplace ... and FREE, but act now because after tomorrow they will be gone! <3Lizzie


updated by @lady-hartfield: 06 Oct 2016 02:57:54PM
MarieLouise Harcourt
9 years ago
647 posts

So pretty!