Avatar: TatianaDokuchic Varriale
VW: Second Life
Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA
VW: Second Life
Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA

Duché de Coeur - A Featured SL Destination!
Linden Lab has Featured the Duch de Coeur in their Destination Guide!!
Journey back to late 18th century France, to a time where Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson sought aid from the French during the Revolution. Attend a concert at the opera house, shop in the village, have tea at a mill, and enjoy the simple pleasures of this idealistic French countryside.
Congratulations to Sky, Tatiana and Bedrich for creating this wonderful place !!! Mes compliments
I join my friends in rejoicing that the Duch is recognized by LindenLabs as the most wonderful place it is!!! My heart was already full of gratitude towards Duchesses Skye and Tatiana, and to Duke Bedrich for what they have accomplished. And now I am happy for them that they are more widely recognized as great creators- and even more so:a great gentilhomme, and two great gentes dames!!
What a wonderful and well deserved compliment!
Many thanks for your kind words!It truly is the people of the Duch community that make it a magical place