VW: Second Life
Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA

Petit Trianon: French Garden Parterre SL
Petit Trianon: French Garden Parterre SL (Bumblebee view)
An early spring has given me the gift of renewed energy &inspiration which I am using to tackle my favourite Second Life (SL)endeavour, the Petit Trianon. This project has languished for far too long but improvements to SL building tools were just what was needed to help get it off of the ground again. So what did I do? I pulled the whole place apart and started again!!
Though this has resulted in more than a few holes in the walls& floors (if you come for a visit make sure to watch your step) I'm very excited about the progress I have been making. I'm currently working on the exterior facades and if you know anything about the Petit Trianon it's that each side of the building has its own unique character.
The side facing the French Garden is probably the most beautiful and the most complex with its impressive terrace and a parterre that provides an introduction to Le Jardin Franais home to the French Pavilion . It's very interesting to note that beneath the terrace is a network of passageways which were used to keep the servants out of sight and facilitate their movement from the outdoors to the kitchen and preparation areas of the Ground Floor. For some reason those passageways were always my particular bte noire when building so I'm very relieved to have them almost finished.
Maybe you, Tatiana,do not realizehow many of us are thrilled to see you found a second souffle to resume-and hopefully achieve- your masterwork....I am not surprised by your dedication to this splendor, but the present results are beyond any expectations. I will wait as long as needed to see it completed and furnished, and I know it will be an unique and perfect achievement and a wonderful testimony to your talent and love for this gem or architecture. Vive Tatiana!Vive le Petit Trianon!
Absolutely exquisite and I must add that I feel very proud for living next to such a wonderful place.
Once more, thank you Tatiana.
Thanks to everyone for their kind words & encouragement and for sticking with me through all of this. My goodness, has it really been four years already?
One of the best things about our SL community is that we get to discuss and shareour interest inhistorical art, architecture & culture. It certainly provides me with a lot of inspiration particularily since I find it somewhat difficult to explain my 3D building efforts to most people in RL.
I guess when you start out saying something like "oh, I'm re-creating the Petit Trianon in a virtual world and I've been working on it for four years now" you may seem a bit "eccentric" to say the least
@Quecay: I'm proud that you have made the Duch your home
@Marie-Antoinette: I anticipate that it will be a while longer before it is fit for your Grace to inhabit but I'll keep you posted on the progress.