Avatar: TatianaDokuchic Varriale
VW: Second Life
Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA
VW: Second Life
Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA

Versailles: Transported
Just asmy glow from Chanel's "Versailles" Collection (see Chanel in Versailles: Seriously Frivolous ) was fading, along came some equally delightful Versailles related news!
The SNCF , France's national state-owned railway company,hasjust unveiledthe firstoftheir commuter trains decorated with iconic scenes from the Chteau de Versailles including; the Hall of Mirrors, Louis XVI's Library, Marie Antoinette's Chamber inthe Petit Trianon and the Belvedere from her English Garden.
Graffiti-resistant, laminated panels were used to transfer the images which are slated for a number of trains on the The RER C line traveling between Paris and Versailles. This means that tourists get a preview of Versailles before they even arrive while locals can enjoy these works of art on their daily commutes.
... now THIS is art for the masses!
No kidding! My jaw literally dropped when I saw this
Its such a wonderful idea for this grubby, old trains. Now it must besuch ajoy to take the RER to Versailles, can't wait to see it myself =)
Wow gorgeous! Train ride anyone? heh
WAW i thought you had photoshoped. Thats so nice that the goverment does that
, here we just have graffitti and cigarette burns