Avatar: TatianaDokuchic Varriale
VW: Second Life
Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA
VW: Second Life
Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA

Duché de Coeur: Cross Country Ice Skating
Winter at the Coeurs means sitting in front of a warm fire with friends after skating through the Coeur countryside!
This is a fabulous way to see the stunning landscape. Starting at Lieu d'Idylle , you will travel through gorges, over lakes, around windmills, under and over bridges, through tunnels, and along canals, all while fighting the snow in your face. Race with your friends!
The 10region course is clearly marked with both logs and arrows. At normal "Run" speed (CTRL-R), the course takes about 15 minutes to complete when there is no one else in the region. If you just want to explore, feel free to jump the logs and visit other waterways.
Text & Illustration: Bedrich Panacek
I've always enjoyed skating in the Coeurs but I'm really looking forward to this year!
LL has managedto smooth out the region crossings which makes a big difference when you're crossing back and forth over 10 of them. On a more personal note, with my new computer I canactually see more than 15m in front of myself so I can really enjoy the scenery, plus I'll be able to take more of a running start for jumping over those low bridges
Inspired by theskating/winter pictures posted, I'm off to look formy ownperfect skating outfit!
Yes !!
I look forward to lacing up my skates and gliding along the icy trails through the snow covered countryside.