VW: Second Life
Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA

My Chateau Reno
Though I've had abundant experience with real-life home renovations , my Second Life renovation record is rather spotty. When it comes to virtual homes I'd generally rather build them myself than buy them, especially because I know I just can't stop myself from remodeling my new purchase.
It was the same way back in my days of TheSims2. I'd download a brand-new abode and spend the next week (or two or three) ripping it apart and putting it back together. On the bright side, that destruction/construction cycle taught me a lot about architecture & 3D construction. I'd actually recommend it to anyone interested in honing their own skills.
This year with spring just around the corner, I was anxious to add a few new rentals to my Duch de Coeur regions. Being long on ambition but short on time, I decided that a purchase was in order and after much consideration selected a chateau from Never Totally Dead .
As you can see, the exterior fits right in with the 18th century Duch and the layout, with its generous rooms and considered traffic flow, is wonderful. This chateau just oozes charm & atmosphere!
Perhaps a little too much atmosphere inside for my lighter tastes.
For one thing, there is a story about the original owner falling on hard times and struggling to maintain the house. For another, you can expect a certain spooky vibe from a company called Never Totally Dead and they more than deliver.
I've been up to the attic twice now. Once when I was checking the house out and again for this photo. I don't think I'll be climbing those twisty stairs again anytime soon. Skye & I still aren't really sure what's in the room behind the locked door
Which reminds me; on posting my first "Before" picture I received a number of comments identifying the house and recommending an exorcist might be brought in along with the painters & plasterers!
Thankful for all the great advice & support given from my friends at Royal Courts of Second Life , I rolled up my sleeves and got down to work.
One salon, one kitchen, one foyer (with grand staircase), two bathrooms, three bedrooms (including the master) and two studies later, I'm quite happy with the results! It was a lot of fun being able to use my favourite textures in a new setting.
I did leave the attic "as is" thinking it can be used for servants and/or relatives that have fallen out of favour but insist on coming to visit anyway.
Chateau Claire is now up for rent but you are welcome to visit until it becomes a private residence. Just check the rental sign at the front gate to make sure it's still available for a tour.
Please report back on your adventures there!
My Chateau Reno by Tatiana Dokuchic on 2015-02-01 Though my Second Life renovation record is rather spotty I give it a go with this chateau!
Images: Tatiana Dokuchic (click to enlarge)
Find Tatiana Dokuchic on Google+
Originally published on Tatiana's Tea Room as My Chateau Reno
I love what you made out of it. Great job! Fabulous Chateau
This inspires me. I have had the build in my inventory for over a year. . . I loved the layout but the textures weren't right for me either. Unlike you, i lacked both the knowledge and the courage to remake it. Looking at your images, I think I will try again!
The attic is perfect for Papa if they ever left him out of the Bastille ...laugh.
Give it a go, Lorsagne! Just don't go up to the attic without telling someone first
I'm sure Papa would love to move in at some point.
Thanks, Alessandra!
Congratulations on this project Tatiana ... it is absolutely stunning
Nooooo! Papa stays right where he is . . . . you know what they say about relatives who come for visits...like fish: three days and then they start to stink!