Trasgo Beaumont
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Now a ghost!

user image 2010-10-07
By: Trasgo Beaumont
Posted in:
I dont know how to start this new relate about my latest experiences in the Duchy. Before all, youmust know that, following the advises of Duchesse Tatiana I opened all the windows and try to work in the best and more ventilated place with my new printing press. In the same way, I avoided, accord with the wise advises of our dearest Docteur, to ingest all kind of colourfull mushrooms that grown in our fields. (With or without omelette, sigh)

But none of these steps was effective! The latest night, while I was standing in the balcony of my painting study, enjoying of the fresh night atmosphere, I had a terrific vision that I will need long time to recover from it.

This are a little drawing about the ente that I met, and from which I continue hearing his spectral and terrible voice...

Because he talked to me. He knew me because He said that in fact is a future ghost form one of the members of our community, and he back to our time to save his living self from I dont know what terrible facts that are going to ocurr...if he cannot avoid it.

He talked me about a murder, and his purpose last night was avoid that myself met his living self...I dont know why and none name was pronounced by him, so my disconcert is total about it!

Someone could help me? One of our friends could be in danger and need our help, or may be that someone put in my pipe something more than tobacco?
Lord Myron de Verne
07 Oct 2010 10:11:50AM @lord-myron-de-verne:
Dear Trasgo,I agree completely with our Fencing Champion and Maitre d'Armes, Melle Sophie Dalville: though I do not fancy to be widely knowlegeable on all things, i have high doubts on the existence of ghosts.As Ms Dalville says, I would advise you to be careful, this looks like some sort of trap: in case of any reccurence of this ghost, or would he even give you an appointment, you can always depend on the Duchy's fencing team, I'm sure, among whom Ms Dalville, myself and a few others, for help and protection.
MarieLouise Harcourt
07 Oct 2010 10:30:47AM @marielouise-harcourt:
Scaarrryyy... woohhhh.....!!
Joan Claremont
07 Oct 2010 10:50:01AM @joan-claremont:
I've seen and talked with this Ghost! He/it was actually very polite ; )
Tatiana Dokuchic
07 Oct 2010 11:24:45AM @tatiana-dokuchic:
Well, I would not have believed it but I'm starting to suspect that the Duch may be experiencing a major haunting! Not just but one wandering spirit but by many of them. I fear that my fencing skills may not prove effective against these apparitions.

Docteur Panacek
07 Oct 2010 03:15:18PM @docteur-panacek:
First a unicorn, now a ghost.... Next time it will be a tiny little pink elephant... Believe me, been there... done that....