Though we can count a few bonafide historians in our numbers, the majority of us are history buffs happily gathering information wherever we can find it. Some of these sources are reputable, some not so much, but at least they're a place to start.
Please share your materials and resources here. Discussion on the topics presented is encouraged.
3 posts
18th c. Life: An Online Resource
@Serenek Timeless, updated by @Tatiana Dokuchic 4 years ago
2 posts
18th Century Food - Hot Chocolate!!!
@Serenek Timeless, updated by @Sir Thomas Cave 4 years ago
2 posts
Looking Your Best in the 18th Century: Clothing & Hairstyles
@Serenek Timeless, updated by @Sir Thomas Cave 4 years ago
2 posts
18th century Butter-making - home churns and utensils
@Tatiana Dokuchic, updated by @Abbondio Rezzonico 5 years ago