Age of Reason
Avatar: TatianaDokuchic Varriale
VW: Second Life

Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA
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[AoR] News ~ March 22, 2023

Tatiana Dokuchic
last year
1,919 posts

A few new announcements plus some highlights from the last month or so.


A warm welcome to our new members, Catherine Cave-Shuvalova (ChezGiroux) and Summer Serendipity.


Easter Cookies

These timely & tasty treats can now be baked fresh in the oven.



Finally!  Ale & Beer can now be produced by our own [AoR] Brewery.  For those of you who have been growing barley in anticipation, have at it.  A new Hops plant has also been added so that we can grow our own.


[AoR] Brewery - Age Of Reason |


Harvesters & Crafters Updated to Experience

All the harvesters and crafters are being updated to use SL Experiences.  This allows props such as rakes, watering cans, spoons, etc. to attach without requesting permissions each time. Attach & detach are the ONLY actions that Experience is used for in the AoR system.

Helene and all of Rousseau’s market vendors are now selling the updated items.


  • All of the older harvesters & crafters continue to function normally. 
  • For those members on land other than the Rocca Sorrentina Estate and the Provence Coeur Estate please add "TTR Experience" to your allowed parcel/estate Experiences.  If you are renting and do not have access to Experiences the harvesters & crafters will still work but without the attachment of props (just pretend you're holding the spoon or whatever).
  • Lady Sere will be in touch with users individually about scheduling a replacement for their current harvesters.  As all harvesters & crafters must eventually be replace this may take some time.



A brand-new tool that is used to package units from your basket into bulk-sized containers. Currently it can create a crate of 35 Beeswax candles (perfect for the HHC) as well as 640 units of milk into one large churn.

Perfect for selling bulk quantities via vendors, these units can easily be loaded into the customers basket.

Other bulk-sized containers, especially those useful for the HHC, will be made available as required so if you have any preferences just yell.

The Packer can be acquired from Helene.


Household Challenge (HHC)

The Household Challenge will soon be going into its second month. Not only has it kept players occupied (satisfying that weekly budget is a brain teaser) but its really helped to increase our interaction, encourage the development of trades (see below), and get the economy rolling.

It’s never too late to join the fun!

Read about Mikhail’s adventures in Early Morning Baking:

Early Morning Baking - Tatiana Dokuchic |

Questions or comments?  See:

[AoR] Household Management Challenge - Age Of Reason |


Hot Trades (Baker, Brewer, Cook, Cooper, Chandler)

The following crafted products are needed for the HHC providing the perfect chance to develop your own trade.  These products can be purchased from Myriam but it would be preferable to cut her supply in favour of our own merchants. 

Please comment below or contact Tatiana to have this list updated to avoid duplication.

  • Bread
  • Butter
  • Cheese
  • Sugar
  • Tea Leaves Dried – currently supplied by Tatiana
  • Apple Cider – will be replaced as soon as beer is available
  • Beeswax candles
    • Beeswax – currently supplied by Candace
  • Castile soap
    • Olive oil – currently supplied by Banjo

Coming soon:

  • Small beer & Brown ale– will be supplied by Mikhail if no one else wants to brew
    • Barrels
    • Hops dry – will be supplied by Mikhail if no one else is interested


  • Catherine will be taking up the trade of Chandler producing soap and candles
  • Thomas will be specializing in Tea & Dairy


Whew!  There’s lots to keep us busy this spring and if you have any ideas for other activities we would love to hear them. 



Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 24 Mar 2023 06:34:15AM
Sir Thomas Cave
last year
149 posts

Welcome Friends!