I particularly liked, under Social needs, that you mentioned " Satisfied by interaction with animals (farm & pet)". That is a nice idea. I was curious if "pet" meant household pets that could be petted for a few social points or it pertained to beloved farm animals only. If it didn't include household, I'd like to suggest that. I also wondered if one day there would be the profession of veterinarian (or a combo of doctor and veterinarian).
[Before I asked about veterinarian, I looked up when did the profession of veterinarian begin. I ran across a very brief summary. It is posted in the Resources section https://livinghistoryvw.com/age-of-reason/forum/historical-research -- UL]
Una (Unalunaqat Resident)
Madame D'Qat
Ferme sur Mer (Sea View Farm), Queen's Hamlet
Villa Toscana,LL, Rocca Sorrentina
updated by @una-lunaqat: 17 Aug 2020 10:54:29AM