Congratulations Lady Tiamat on a most successful opening of your collection of works on childhood in the 18th century, detailed from a unique perspective. (This display will be available for viewing until mid-March 2014 on the Rocca Sorrentina OOC Platform)
12 Jan 2014 05:42:26AM @alessandra-di-fiorentino-conti:
So sad I missed the opening , but I will certainly have a look I was told it is awesome
Congratulations on such an interesting exhibition. It has been a pleasure to visit it and check the various treatments given to children in art. Thank you Ladies Tiamat and Candace !
So sad I missed the opening , but I will certainly have a look
Congratulations on such an interesting exhibition. It has been a pleasure to visit it and check the various treatments given to children in art.
Thank you Ladies Tiamat and Candace !