Avatar: Candace Ducatillon
VW: Second Life
Country: CA
VW: Second Life
Country: CA

Lady Candace Endures Second...
It was not enough that I was given a clean bill of health by Dr. Greymoon at yesterday's clinic following a mild panic attack complicated by heat exhaustion ... today, it was strongly suggested I be examined yet again by Dr. Panacek - just to be certain - despite my obvious vim and vigour evidenced by my jumping up onto the table! Not how I had hoped to spend my morning, again, but I must applaud the professional amicability of both physicians, and their bedside manner, while under the scrutinizing glare of Sister Blissful
Thankfully, you are well Lady Candace
Thank you of your kind words Lady Leena ( ... actually, the examinations were rather, um, enjoyable in their own way ~
In their own way ??????????????????????
/me bursts out laughing at Lady Panacek's observation !