Queen's Hamlet
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QH Co-op: The News ~ April 2, 2016

Tatiana Dokuchic
9 years ago
1,919 posts

Greetings Everyone!

We've just passed our first month of operating the Queen's Hamlet Co-op and it's amazing how far we've come! Here's a look at some of our accomplishments and other related Co-op News.


Goat Milk, Goat Cream, Goat Butter and Goat Cheese. For a community that existed on Grilled Fish for the first few weeks, this is certainly a welcome addition. The Cheese Factory is up-and-running and we have our own QH Co-op labels.

Speaking of Goats, the waiting list for the Adopt-a-Goat program is still open though we've experienced a bit of a delay in the actual adoption process. As luck would have it, 3 out of our first 4 kids are males (necessary but not great for a first adoption).


The guys are currently hanging out together awaiting their turns at parenthood. Hopefully more females will arrive in the next cycle.

Besides our flock of eight goats, we have three chicken coops in operation and 33 fields/trees under cultivation.


The new additions to our agricultural endeavors being Ka-la-na Trees (aren't they pretty!) and Rence. Still looking for some good RL substitutions for these names so if you have any ideas please let me know.

All of this growing has also provided us with a great start to our Wine & Spirits section in the Market .


We've got Beer, Mead, Sake, 2016 Reserve Wine and Potato Paga, many of which can be used in different recipes. Bottled Ka-la-na and Rence Beer will be coming soon.

Our next task for the Market is to fill up all the empty Gourmet Meals boxes so if you want to make some extra coins, make a meal and sell it to the Co-op. Every box that's out can be made from our local ingredients. More boxes to follow as other ingredients become more plentiful.

The CHALLENGES have already seen a number of Champions. Congratulations to everyone for their accomplishments to-date!

We have our very first BLACKSMITH APPRENTICE and she's busy making a set of startup tools for our next one. Please join the waiting list if you'd like to give smithing a try.

Last, but not least, we'll be hosting a May Day Country Dance. Contributions of food would be appreciated for these festivities so please start cooking. I'll bring the wine & other alcoholic beverages.

Thanks for all the fun!

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 24 Oct 2016 06:00:49AM
Bessie Hull
9 years ago
41 posts

Rence seems to be rice to me.

Ka-la-na is trickier. plums, apples, peaches.... could be just about any fruit that grows on trees.

Tatiana Dokuchic
9 years ago
1,919 posts

Plum might be a good one for ka-la-na. Acts as a fruit, reddish colourand you can make brandy from it.

Rence is the tough one for me as we already have an official "rice". It grows in thick stalks that look like bamboo, you can make flour & beer from it and you can also make papyrus from it. Hmmmm .....

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Lady Hartfield
9 years ago
264 posts

I have been thinking on both of these in the back of my mind. In the recipes the rence flour is used as a more finely milled flour, which makes sense considering that with Gorean tech you're milling with grindstones (as I understand it). So what plant do we have that gives a fine flour and can also be brewed into beer or beaten into a papyrus? If we did it probably would be some kind of shoot, similar to bamboo, probably aquatic. Maybe we should just go with bamboo?

To get my mind about kalana I always thought of a combination of apple and peach. Apples have a durability, are red, and are used in making liqueurs, and peaches have a shape, flavor, and sweetness such as is described of the kalana. Appeach? Peapple? Anyway, my two cents.

Tatiana Dokuchic
9 years ago
1,919 posts

I'm agree that rence seems to fit bamboo the best but I'm thinking I might just stick with rence as bamboo flour seems a bit unlikely.

For the potato paga, I was thinking of going with potato vodka but so far just stuck with paga.

In both cases, sticking with the original names will make it easier for people that ret trying to put together different recipes.

In six months, we'll probably be so accustomed to the names we'll forget that we ever want to change them :)

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Lady Hartfield
9 years ago
264 posts

I tend to agree with you. Sul->potato is easy, and they don't even bother to call the grain "sa-tarna", they just call it "grain". We can just pretend. I do think that if G&S really wants to expand, they're going to need to rethink some of this ... verr are fine but the bosk and tarsk are a bit scary and no one doing a realistic earthbound RP wants to get into "tharlarions"! Again my two cents.

Tatiana Dokuchic
9 years ago
1,919 posts

Couldn't agree with you more. I know that they are still developing new products so let's keep our fingers crossed for more RL items.

I'm only going to raise goats and chickens in the Hamlet but if other members want to take a shot at the other animals on their own private ground it could make for a nice compliment to our items - plus they will corner the market on those.

I know that Antiquity raises other animals so I'm hoping they would like to participate in our Market at some point.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site