The Queen's Hamlet Market is a place to buy/sell items that have been produced by the Queen's Hamlet Co-op members either in the Hamlet itself or in other associated Historical Communities using the G&S system. Items may ONLY be sold for G&S coins as the QH Estate Manager reserves the sole right to sell for L$
QH FARMERS receive a free Bonus LI=10 which includes all objects rezzed in the Queen's Hamlet including the Market
QH REGULAR MEMBERS receive a free Bonus LI=5 which includes all objects rezzed in the Queen's Hamlet including the Market.
A Cart is an excellent way to sell a limited number of items using your Bonus LI. See what's currently available or contact Tatiana to have one set up for you.
A Stall allows you to expand your selection. Your Bonus LI will be IN ADDITION TO the LI rented.
A Stall may have it's interior customized:
-Supplied benches may be removed
-Sisal carpet may be removed
-Tables may be supplied
Rental rates are L$15 per LI per 4 weeks with a minimum 4 week period and a minimum LI=15 rented.
Currently all stalls have been set as follows:
L$225 is a rental of 4 weeks with LI=15 + Bonus LI
Contact Tatiana to arrange for a larger LI.
If you're just starting out and can make due with your Bonus LI, rent the stall/cart and contactTatianato adjust the LI count and refund your money.
Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 22 Oct 2016 04:24:47AM