Forum Activity for @tatiana-dokuchic

Tatiana Dokuchic
28 Nov 2016 03:00:34PM
1,919 posts

Foray Literary Society notes and plans

Communty News & Events

I'm glad that you enjoyed it!  It gives so much more depth to Austen's world.  While I was commiserating with the Bennet girls & their quest for economic security it was too easy to forget that their servants were in even more dire straights.  I'll never think of Elizabeth getting all muddy while walking over to see Jane without knowing the price Sarah would pay in labour to get those clothes clean again.

On a related note, I had been meaning to write a small blog post about Jane Austen for years now.  Finally got it done so that I could also promote "The Foray".  Hope it sparks some additional interest :)

Tatiana Dokuchic
27 Nov 2016 10:49:28AM
1,919 posts


Book Lovers

Having just declared my love for Outlander, I have to admit that there was a point early on in the first novel where I almost quit reading. 


Yep, when Jamie beat Claire as Diana Gabaldon says:

For years and years, that scene has been a source of controversy. Because it’s told from Claire’s point of view, and she certainly thinks it’s a big deal. Some readers — particularly some female readers — often share her sense of indignation and outrage and start hopping up and down about, how dare Jamie? How dare I?

How Outlander Tackled the Book’s Most Controversial Scene

Sign me up as indignat and outraged.  Now I've read DG's essay on the subject (if I find it again I'll link to it) as well as many of the responses that came out after it was aired on television so I can understand why she wrote it. 

At the time I was reading the book there wasn't all the background/commentary that exists today so I decided to keep going for a bit and see how their relationship developed.

I still can't reconcile my image of Claire as a strong woman with someone who would willing stay with a partner who felt justified in disciplining her.  If Jamie had continued to think punishment was an acceptable way to behave towards his wife I would have quit after book one and pretended that Claire made it home to Frank and lived happily ever after.

And about that particular TV scene.  Some people thought it was all kinds of funny. I just gritted my teeth and waiting for it to be over.  I'm more inclined to be of the same mind as Gellis Duncan in this deleted scene:

Tatiana Dokuchic
27 Nov 2016 09:04:10AM
1,919 posts


Book Lovers

Outlander Season 1 01.jpg

l have to say that I love everything about Outlander; I love the original book series by Diana Gabaldon as well as her spin-offs including the Lord John Grey series.  I'm also a big fan of the STARZ Outlander TV series produced by Ronald D. Moore and I'm currently suffering from droughtlander waiting for Season 3 to air.

Given the timeframe & subject matter, I figure there must be a few more faithful followers in our midst (or members that could easily be swayed into joining the Outlander cult) so I thought I'd devote a discussion to all things Outlander.

Please note that I will, on occasion, include some Amazon afflilate links and any revenue made from following these will go towards support of this site.

Outlander Season 2.jpg

So what do you think?  What's your favourite novel?  Have you read them all?

q?_encoding=UTF8&MarketPlace=US&ASIN=044       q?_encoding=UTF8&MarketPlace=US&ASIN=044       q?_encoding=UTF8&MarketPlace=US&ASIN=178

How do you think the TV series compares with the books? 

Sing us your song ...

q?_encoding=UTF8&MarketPlace=US&ASIN=B01     q?_encoding=UTF8&MarketPlace=US&ASIN=B01

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 27 Nov 2016 10:06:36AM
Tatiana Dokuchic
23 Nov 2016 02:55:09PM
1,919 posts

TTR-Louis XVI "Deer" Chair & Table Set

House & Garden

Back for the holidays! 

I think this set has to be my favourite with the cookies, candles & reindeer mugs not to mention the chairs with all the animations.

Check them out Find it Inworld  or on the SLM

Tatiana Dokuchic
23 Nov 2016 11:24:18AM
1,919 posts

Westworld a New HBO Series SPOILERS

Off Topic

Some cool Westworld Easter Eggs:

Tatiana Dokuchic
22 Nov 2016 07:14:08AM
1,919 posts

Westworld a New HBO Series SPOILERS

Off Topic

A great recap of Episode 8: Decoding Westworld's Most Confusing Episode Yet - Did the show just reveal the truth about Wyatt?

Tatiana Dokuchic
22 Nov 2016 06:52:44AM
1,919 posts

Westworld a New HBO Series SPOILERS

Off Topic

Mansur Marawi:

I love Westworld! It really makes me think, makes me mull over the hard questions of what is humanity? What is existence? What is evolution?

It's true!  If I understood Ford correctly he said that Arnold had the same questions while Ford thought that it was simple both the hosts & the guests are "the same" in his eyes.


Spoilers ahead! Last nights episode was intense! I think that scene where the Man in Black recognizes the blonde host pretty much confirms the theory that we see two different timelines in the show, and that William is the Man in Black from the past.

 I'm loving Maeve's storyline, I'm looking forward to what she'll do until the season finale, can't wait! As for Bernard, I don't think he killed Elsie, that might have been a memory that Ford planted on him. I'm thinking Elsie might come back as a host too.

The multiple timeline theory is pretty mind bending!!  William is probably the only human that I like at the moment and to consider him turning into the Man in Black is just freaky.

I'm loving Maeve too!  I'm also fascinated with Dolores, the oldest host in the park.  Loved when she said she was tired of being a damsel in distress and decided it was time she wrote her own story.  Sadly, if the multiple timelines are true I think (though I'm not sure I'd have to re-watch to confirm) she ended up back in a loop.

Poor Bernard.  That would be an interesting twist if he really didn't kill Elsie.

If anyone is looking for more theories take a look at Is the Westworld Multiple Timeline Theory Even More Complicated Than We Thought?

Apparently there are five more episodes to go and I'm not ready for it to end for the season.

Tatiana Dokuchic
21 Nov 2016 10:56:15AM
1,919 posts

QH Brag About Your "Firsts" v2

QH Discussions

TatianaDokuchicFirst Kalana 5.jpg

FINALLY got my first Kalana 5!!

I have three Kalana Trees that I care for/harvest on a regular basis and this is the first & last (so far) Kalana 5.  At least I know it's possible now :)

Tatiana Dokuchic
21 Nov 2016 05:50:44AM
1,919 posts

Second Life's Beloved Recreation of Mont Saint Michel Soon Leaving SL for "Economical" Reasons

General Discussion

It is!  I think this is the first reversal of this type that I've ever heard about in SL.  So nice to get some good news :)
