Definitely a case of "never say never"; I am now raising pigs (tarsks).
Having embraced my role as a butcher I promptly set out to produce bacon. Did you know that bacon can only be made from pig meat? Here I sit on an ever expanding mountain of goat (verr) meat and I cannot make bacon. Heavy sigh ...
On the bright side, this gave me an opportunity to learn all about tarsks. They come in three sizes (dwarf, common & giant) and common females are REALLY hard to find in the usual markets. After much searching I came up with this pair, a brown sow and a spotted boar. Their offspring won't be purebreds but what the heck, they were never going to win any beauty contests anyway.
I also learned how to make Tarsk Feeders which require two portions of verr meat so at least I'm recycling some of my mountain in my quest for bacon. Chocolate covered bacon here we come ...
Actually I'm growing quite fond of this pair and have been considering naming them. They have quite a long life expectancy so may be around for the next two months. Suggestions for names are welcome! 
Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site