Forum Activity for @tatiana-dokuchic

Tatiana Dokuchic
19 Oct 2016 05:56:36PM
1,919 posts

Goats (Verr) - Always Free to QH/LH Members!

G&S Roleplay

Excellent idea, Lady Hartfield!

If I might be so bold as to piggy-back on your post.

I regularily have male goats that are free to a good home.  Purebred, all colours, excellent stats.  Put in a request and I'll save one for you.

Tatiana Dokuchic
19 Oct 2016 02:57:58PM
1,919 posts

Site News: 2017 Fundraiser

Site News & Guidelines

Our 2017 Fundraiser is off to a fantastic start!

Many thanks to:

Twelfth Night
Fiorino Pera
Leandro Rinaldo Malaspina
Sofia von Essen
Aldo Stern
Serenek Timeless
Claire-Sophie de Rocoulle
Jacon Cortes

Tatiana Dokuchic
18 Oct 2016 01:41:46PM
1,919 posts

TTR-[G&S] Wool Single or Bulk BOXES & TEXTURES ~ FULL PERM

G&S Roleplay

Thanks!  I was DETERMINED not to make textures for G&S but could only find seven of the nine wool textures in full perm.  As the wool was overflowing my inventory I gave in and made some myself.

Now that I've started, I may do some others.  Depending on my whims of course :)

Tatiana Dokuchic
17 Oct 2016 05:01:17PM
1,919 posts

[update] Rockstar just updated their social media avatars, possibly hinting to a new Red Dead Game!


Time travel & detective work, sounds good Mercury!

I'm with you, old-school, no-console :)

Tatiana Dokuchic
17 Oct 2016 08:13:42AM
1,919 posts

[update] Rockstar just updated their social media avatars, possibly hinting to a new Red Dead Game!


Oh cool!

I was thinking about this this morning and it reminded me of the new Westworld HBO series that just came out.  Now that's gaming taken to the ultimate ;)


Tatiana Dokuchic
16 Oct 2016 11:43:30AM
1,919 posts

The Great Grape Hunt on Rocca Sorrentina - October 15-23

Communty News & Events

Fabulous prizes & a great time to boot!  Thanks, Sere!

Tatiana Dokuchic
16 Oct 2016 10:30:13AM
1,919 posts

[update] Rockstar just updated their social media avatars, possibly hinting to a new Red Dead Game!


Sounds like fun!  You'll have to keep us posted.

I mostly try to stay far, far away from games (I already spend way too much time staring at a screen) but every once in a while I get sucked into one.  Take Skyrim for example ;)

You've just got to love "vast" games!

Tatiana Dokuchic
15 Oct 2016 10:24:27AM
1,919 posts

Site News: 2017 Fundraiser

Site News & Guidelines


After three long years of dreaming, I'm delighted to say that we've finally accomplished our goal of migrating to a better platform!

Amidst the bussle of our relocation and the excitement of new discoveries it's time to launch our Annual Fundraiser.

Donations are gratefully accepted any time of the year, but our history has shown that this annual effort is a very important part of funding for our community.  The generosity of members has kept us going for the last seven years, something we can all be very proud of!

There are a few changes from last year's fundraiser, including the addition of donations via PayPal or Credit Card.  Of course, Linden Dollars are still very welcome.

See all the details at Your Support Keeps LHVW Up & Running

Questions?  Comments?  Ideas for other Fundraising Activities?  Ask them here!

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 15 Oct 2016 10:35:39AM
Tatiana Dokuchic
15 Oct 2016 09:14:13AM
1,919 posts

Designing Worlds Visits Antiquity

Communty News & Events

Great pics, Jacon.  Thanks for the link!

Tatiana Dokuchic
14 Oct 2016 06:23:45AM
1,919 posts

Grape Stomping for Prizes - Rocca Sorrentina Grape Harvest Festival

Communty News & Events

What a wonderful event, Sere!  Thanks :)

I'm a "grape stomper" from waaaay back (even have a special outfit with grape-stained feet) so I'll be sure to drop by for some fun & prizes.
