Forum Activity for @tatiana-dokuchic

Tatiana Dokuchic
12 Oct 2016 12:27:18PM
1,919 posts

Living History - glad to be here!

General Discussion

Thank you very much, Tiamat!

I agonized over picking a new name for three years!  I wanted something relatively short, descriptive & inclusive.  It was a tall order and I was fortunate to have Aldo & Sere to bounce ideas off.

I owe a lot to Sere's Virtual Living History Association which lead me to investigate the meaning of Living History :

Living history is an activity that incorporates historical tools, activities and dress into an interactive presentation that seeks to give observers and participants a sense of stepping back in time. Although it does not necessarily seek to reenact a specific event in history, living history is similar to, and sometimes incorporates, historical reenactment. Living history is an educational medium used by living history museums, historic sites, heritage interpreters, schools and historical reenactment groups to educate the public or their own members in particular areas of history, such as clothing styles, pastimes and handicrafts, or to simply convey a sense of the everyday life of a certain period in history.

Sere graciously accepted a name that was similar to her Association.

You're right, it's not all about courts. in fact there are few courts left, and it's wonderful to be able to fully embrace all the other activities :)

Tatiana Dokuchic
12 Oct 2016 12:16:06PM
1,919 posts

Designing Worlds Visits Antiquity

Communty News & Events

A great article about a fabulous place.  Thanks for sharing it, Tiamat!

p.s. I'm moving this to the more prestigious Community News category; because General is just ... well ... so general ;)

Tatiana Dokuchic
11 Oct 2016 05:07:01PM
1,919 posts

Happy Thanksgiving: The Canadian Edition

Off Topic

Oh no!  Not snow, @Tiamat!  It's waaaay tooooo early for snow!!

I do hope you enjoy the turkey leftovers.  I'm thinking of making turkey soup tomorrow :)

Tatiana Dokuchic
10 Oct 2016 05:58:25AM
1,919 posts

The Ruin of a Princess: Marie-Thérèse of France


Many thanks for that reference, @leopoldina!  I'm definitely going to check it out as I know very little about her life after the revolution.

Tatiana Dokuchic
09 Oct 2016 04:54:06AM
1,919 posts

Happy Thanksgiving: The Canadian Edition

Off Topic

Falling Leaves.gif

Wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!

The older I get, the more I appreciate all the benefits of having an "attitude of gratitude" and there's no better weekend to celebrate that. 

Along the same lines I found When life hands you lemons: the new science of positive thinking  quite an interesting read:

Positive psychology emphasizes strengths more than illness. It focuses on happiness, well-being, resilience, empathy, gratitude and forgiveness — how to "flourish" as a human. One idea, said Frank Farley, an Edmonton native and a past president of the American Psychological Association who studies heroism and personality, is that maybe it can inoculate people against mental distress.

More than a decade after its founding, the field is undergoing something of a revival. The neuroscience behind it is advancing. Researchers are finding links between positive emotions and a longer, healthier life span.


Tatiana Dokuchic
08 Oct 2016 06:15:23PM
1,919 posts

Foray Literary Society notes and plans

Communty News & Events

Pride and Prejudice is one of those rare books that always seems to get better with every reading.  I might have to find some Regency wear and join the fun :)

As an aside; I see that the transfer of this post has effected the formatting a bit.  I believe that if you resize the picture it may fall into line.  Go into update and click the image for resize options or you can drag a corner to change the size.  After some experimentation, I've found that a width of 600 usually works well.  Also, with the new site we can set recurring events (woohoo) if you'd like to create one for this. 

Tatiana Dokuchic
08 Oct 2016 06:03:28PM
1,919 posts

Site ???? What's New!?

Site Questions

Waves hello to , Nora!  Thank you, I hope you have fun touring around.  Isn't it grand to have so much more space :)

Tatiana Dokuchic
08 Oct 2016 05:27:45PM
1,919 posts

Site ???? What's New!?

Site Questions

Hello Merry!  My inner curmudgeon salutes yours; change can be hard :)

Many thanks for the cheers - I think we're all going to enjoy the new place once we get settled in.  Kick the tires and if you have any problems give me a shout.

Tatiana Dokuchic
08 Oct 2016 10:49:15AM
1,919 posts

The Ruin of a Princess: Marie-Thérèse of France


An interesting article from History of Women The Ruin of a Princess: Marie-Thérèse of France


Marie-Thérèse was born at the Palace of Versailles on 19 December 1778 as the daughter of King Louis XVI of France and his wife, Marie Antoinette (Maria Antonia of Austria). Her birth came seven years after her parents’ marriage and her gender was a disappointment, though not for Marie-Antoinette who said, “Poor little one, you are not desired, but you will be none the less dear to me! A son would have belonged to the state—you will belong to me.”  She was baptised on the day of her birth.

She was later joined by three siblings, Louis Joseph in 1781, Louis Charles in 1785 and Sophie in 1786. Her elder brother and younger sister would both die in childhood. As Marie-Thérèse grew up tensions were already growing, which would eventually lead to the French Revolution. She was 11 years old when the Bastille was stormed on 14 July 1789. Several family members were sent abroad for their safety. On 5 October the family was forced to move the Tuileries Palace. A plan was formed to flee the country, but the family were intercepted at Varennes and escorted back to Paris. 

Read more ...

Tatiana Dokuchic
08 Oct 2016 03:52:26AM
1,919 posts

~Chateau d'Esprit~ NEW Grand Habit


Just an FYI - I've been playing around with this posts and noticed that they sometimes look a bit off because the pictures are too big.  You can change the picture size by updating the post and clicking on the picture - I've found 600 works well.  Hope this helps :)
