What I'll be doing on my summer vacation (Lacy)
General Discussion
LOL! True although not always true with shepherds...unless you have a ball! ;D
I love this idea - throws cigars at all the men...Rushes into the other room to make Kir Royales for all the ladies and start the LWTAL salon (ladies who talk about lace.)
Bonjour Friends, As some of you may know my very first dress shop was in Provence in the Duch de Coeur Sims. I've recently turned this little shop into a home & garden boutique. I've tried my hand at making some small pieces of furniture. I have 3 new Louis XV style chairs available in - Trianon blue, Olive and Sucre. I have also aded items I have made for my various homes in the Duch de Coeur. As always there are a lot of flowers and a beautiful potted rose inspired by reading about the Gardens of Malmaison . So stop by and take a look and enjoy a sunny afternoon in Provence.
Merci Amis!~ CDH Cherie Home & Garden