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Opinions Please....Events' Times and Days-We all want to Party!

Madame Desireme Fallen
13 years ago
110 posts

As I was going over the Ning's Events Calendar and reflecting upon past events I have personally given, Igot to thinkingwhat actually are the best times and days for events that one could give, that takes in our vast international community of courtiers who might want to attend.

I do realize the weekend is when some can come, but then,others can't! So....

Do courtiers want to have more events during the week and in the early-late evenings, early-late mornings, mid-late afternoons? If so, what days and time frames works best for you personally? Please include your time zone in your answer if you don"t mind. I am in the central time zone in the United States.

I really would love to have your thoughts and know your opinions as to what are the best times and dates for events, so that more will be able to have a chance toattend and enjoy the uniqueassociation of fellow courtiers.

A advance "thank you" for all who answers.

updated by @madame-desireme-fallen: 06 Oct 2016 06:07:01AM
Lord Myron de Verne
13 years ago
113 posts


I am SL time+9 (Paris, France). Mylogging-intime is usually 12 to 3 pm SL time (it means 9 pm till midnight for me), mainly on week ends, sometimes during the week.

It's a fascinating pleasure to meet here people from all over the world, North or South America, Europe, Asia, Australia...andpeople from all age groups, all family situations,all professional or business occupations,and to share a little time with them! but we have to face the consequences:we all have different working schedules, somekeep their week end, in part,for their family,some others even have to sleep sometimes:-)

I was sorry in my beginnings here whenI missed some events: but I realized we cannot attend to all of them, andIamhappy if it allows other Courtiers to take part!

Anyway, it's a good idea, chre Princesse,to post this: according to the answers, it could help the present and future organizers of events to sharpen their schedules according to their aims.

Please accept my congratulations, as I remain

your humble and devoted servant *bows deeply*

Joan Claremont
13 years ago
363 posts
Yes this is a great topic! I am SLT time west coast CA. Events for me on the weekends are difficult to attend unless the weather is bad. Events beginning at 10am or noon SLT are good. I say the earlier the better because then most of Europe can join us for a short time.
Renonys d'Aquitaine
13 years ago
46 posts

I am East Coast USA (SL Time + 3). I can sometimes attend day events during the week (over summer when school is not in session & holidays). I cannot attend day events on the weekend. I can sometimes attend in the evenings; it depends on my personal schedule. (I wanted & had planned to be at the Spanish Chamber Orchestra event yesterday, but I missed it when something unexpected came up irl.)

Plan events based on the majority time zones; I will make it if I am able :)

Nora Clementine Fernsby
13 years ago
63 posts
I am CST USA(SLT+2) and prefer events that start after 10am SLT, during the weekdays.Weekends are hit or miss.
Candace Ducatillon
13 years ago
204 posts

Greetings Alexis,

I too, like Joan, am on the same time zone as SL, living on Canada's West Coast. My preferred time for events would beon non-hockey evenings -lol- but unfortunately that does not work for my inworld friends, most of whom are on the East Coast or in Europe,making my second choice,mid-mornings to mid-afternoons throughout the week/weekends a perfectlyfeasible one, generally speaking.

Thank you.

Madame Desireme Fallen
13 years ago
110 posts

Thank you all for the wonderful detailed responses....I know for this party giver...I will start giving parties at all different timesand daysto meet more of you fabulous courtiers!!!!

Emilie Juliette de Gramont
13 years ago
15 posts

Siince I joined the Royal Courts, my regret was that I could never (or almost never) attend the main events.

Thank you to the Princess of giving us the chance to have a greater Variety of schedules.

I live in Italy, so my time is SL + 9 (as lord deVerne) ; I usually log in at 9 am to 1 pm SL time, no weekends.

Thank you :)

Docteur Panacek
13 years ago
69 posts
As my dear friend Lord de Verne, i am in SL time +9 (Antwerp, Belgium). I am usually online between 12.00 and 03.00 pm SLT in the week and a bit later on Fridays or Saturdays (till 04 pm SLT). Events on weekdays are not always easy for me to attend, because of my busy RL.