As I was going over the Ning's Events Calendar and reflecting upon past events I have personally given, Igot to thinkingwhat actually are the best times and days for events that one could give, that takes in our vast international community of courtiers who might want to attend.
I do realize the weekend is when some can come, but then,others can't! So....
Do courtiers want to have more events during the week and in the early-late evenings, early-late mornings, mid-late afternoons? If so, what days and time frames works best for you personally? Please include your time zone in your answer if you don"t mind. I am in the central time zone in the United States.
I really would love to have your thoughts and know your opinions as to what are the best times and dates for events, so that more will be able to have a chance toattend and enjoy the uniqueassociation of fellow courtiers.
A advance "thank you" for all who answers.
updated by @madame-desireme-fallen: 06 Oct 2016 06:07:01AM