NEW! From Chez Giroux
Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **
Absolutely stunning my sweet!
Hurray! Although the snow sight is always absolutely beautiful, my feet like it less so!
Hahaaha! :D Useful you say? Hmmh, I wonder what kind of occasions you will use it then!
Thank you so much, I will definitely try to put it on the marketplace today!
Yes, if you already didn't think so... You are going to think I am psycho. Let me begin with explaining that.. ehm, as RP-Manager I like to create some RP-Drama sometimes.. and that you need the right things for doing that (be it a scandalous letter or cemetery).. and sometimes it includes a bloody dress! This was worn by the Mlle de Bidache when she was found dead in her room on her wedding day (it was quite a nice dress until Madame X murdered her, I think?) ! I hope you enjoy it, I decided to put it of for sale for fun, after Aaries inspired me to do so. The lovely wig I wear in the picture is a Sophia Trefusis creation by the way, isn't it cute?
You can find it at the Versailles marketplace!
I have visited the sim, and I recommend everyone to do the same. I love the gardens, very peaceful! I shall definitely keep following what this will bring in the future! Bests of luck, Serenya! <3
Absolutely stunning grand habit de cour <3
Hello everyone,
Yes, it's true! I release a new.. GOWN! It has been ages, but I was slightly forced to make and release one (read: Sanjaana), so there you go! I think, if Ethelred does not distract me too much, other dresses might follow!
You can find it at the Versailles marketplace :D