Forum Activity for @maria-carolina-von-habsburg

Maria Carolina von Habsburg
03 May 2011 01:09:19PM
17 posts

Newsness at Jaded - Carolina

Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **

I've been hard at work lately making some gorgeous new gowns. The Carolina Gown is the first of my new releases.

This gown is made with rich fabrics in seven beautiful colors that are nothing short of delicious!

This gown comes with a top, glitch pants, system skirt, flexi sleeves, a sculpted/flexi skirt and watteaupleats. The Carolina Gown is copy/modify/no transfer and is 800L's.

This gown can be found at my stores inworld, Saint Petersburg and Tuatha de Anu Ravensnest as well as on the Marketplace.

updated by @maria-carolina-von-habsburg: 14 Oct 2016 05:53:33AM
Maria Carolina von Habsburg
01 May 2011 05:36:15PM
17 posts


General Discussion

I thought the royal wedding was fabulous. Not too over the top and lavish like Princess Diana's wedding. Instead it was more intimate which is exactly what The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge wanted for their special day.

Dress of female guests seemed very appropriate to me especially since the dress code was printed on the invitations when they went out, ie. uniforms, morning coats or lounge suits. Long formal gowns would not have looked right on a wedding guests in my opinion.

Kate's dress was gorgeous, though I did expect something a little more grand. The more I saw her in it the more I liked it. Definitely very Grace Kelly-esque. Simple and elegant with a skirt that flowed beautifully.
I know a lot of people didn't care for Pippa's gown but I thought it was lovely. A beautiful color with great lines that showed off her figure beautifully.

The Cartier Halo Tiara isn't one of my favorites but it looked wonderful with Kate's veil and gown. The Spenser Tiara would have looked nice with her gown and veil as well but Kate could not have worn that
as she wasn't a Spencer nor marrying into the Spencer Family.

I can't wait to see what tiaras the Queen will loan to Kate in the coming years.

All in all the wedding was great. I'm sure Diana was looking down beaming with pride at her son. It will be interesting to see who Prince Harry chooses for a bride and what his wedding will be like.

Maria Carolina von Habsburg
21 Apr 2011 05:57:59AM
17 posts

Independent Project - "Peterhof"

Art & Architecture

I love the project you are doing and the textures you are making for it are amazing. I look forward to seeing more pictures as your work progresses. As a lover of russian imperial history it is so refreshing to see more russian content coming into SL :))
Maria Carolina von Habsburg
20 Apr 2011 07:05:40AM
17 posts

Makes me wonder?

General Discussion

The more I think about this the more it completely irks me. This isn't about telling someone where they can roleplay, who they can be friends with, or what kind of court they can start. I have been in the SL Courts for a few years and this is what I see.

There have been far too many cases of people that love "title shopping" in the the SL courts and the people in charge of the various courts have grown tired of it. When building a court roleplay you're wanting to find like minded people that shareand add tothe vision of what you are wanting to create and make it enjoyable for eveyone. Those creating these courts spend a lot of time, energy and money to create something beautiful. A nice environment for family and friends to enjoy, learn and have fun. When you have the "title shoppers" going from court to court looking for something bigger and better yet not really contributing anything to the roleplay those in charge create measures to keep this "title shopping" from happening. Codes of conduct are created explaining exactly what your role is in the court you wish to join and it is expressly written that if you take this role in this court you are not to go "title shopping" in another court for something better. If you decide you wish to go to another court or create your own court you must leave your title in the previous court you joined behind. You are also told if you are caught going around "title shopping" you can be kicked out of the court for doing that.

When you join a court, get a code of conduct, sign it and return it you are agreeing to the terms of that court roleplay and the code of conduct you signed. When you do something that violates that it'sa breech of contract just as in rl and you pay the price for it. It's not telling you what you can or can't do, who you can be friends with nor what court you cancreate on your own. It's called holding you to something you signed and agreed to. To me that makes perfect sense and it isn't telling you who you can be friends with.

As far as the "copy cat courts", that is another problem entirely and unfortunately not much can be done about that. There are a few courts that have been in sl for years and have an excellent reputation, ie Versailles, Orange-Nassau, Boheme. These are well established courts that pretty much all in court roleplay know about. When you have courts such as these with established reputations, roleplays and such it gets rather annoying when people decide to steal an idea and put their own spin on it that ends up causing nothhing but drama.

I myself do not understand the need for there to be copycat courts at all. The baroque court era is not the only time frame that can be done in sl though for some reason that is what people are stuck in. There are so many other wonderful time frames and courts that can be done that there would be no need for any copycat courts. But that would require someone to have an original idea and that seems to beyond peoples way of thinking for some reason.

In short there isn't much to be done for these copycat courts except for the original court to either try and bring the copycat into an agreement and merge the roleplays orstand their ground and keep doing what they are doing; having a fabulous roleplay and a reputation for excellence that will outlast said copycat court.

As far as telling you who you can be friends with. No rational adult would try to tell someone who they could or couldn't be friends with. This isn't middle school after all.

And lastly for court roles. Like I said, if you join a court and are given a code of conduct to agree to and sign before joining a court you know exactly what you are getting into when you join that court. When you are kicked out of a court for bad conduct you loose your right to complain about it as you did agree to and sign a code of conduct. You knew what you were getting into beforehand.

Maria Carolina von Habsburg
28 Nov 2010 09:07:33PM
17 posts

Jaded now open in Pavelhof

Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **

Jaded has moved to a new location. Now in a bigger building with lots more to offer. Besides beautiful gowns there are now other pretties to bring beauty your home. Tables, chairs, candelabra, and other things available with more coming soon. New gowns are in the works too as well as clothing for the gentlemen. Come check it out.
Maria Carolina von Habsburg
26 Jul 2010 06:11:27PM
17 posts

Jaded now open in Pavelhof

Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **

I've just added three new gowns to the store for you lovely ladies. I've also put out a prize chair with a couple of gowns and some gestures in it. While you're there don't forget to slap the subcribe-o-matic(woot no need for a group) for updates, freebies, and notices about Jaded deliciousness.
Maria Carolina von Habsburg
06 Jul 2010 11:52:26AM
17 posts

Jaded now open in Pavelhof

Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **

Maker of fine historical gowns for ladies and girls from various time periods as well as kokoshniks and tiaras. Styles include Tudor, Baroque, Regency, and Russian Court dresses with more styles being added soon. Special orders possible upon request.City of Pavelhof 1805, Antiquity Pavelhof (18, 218, 32)
updated by @maria-carolina-von-habsburg: 06 Oct 2016 01:58:51PM