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Marie-Adélina de La Ferrière
13 years ago
80 posts

I am assuming many of you watched The Royal Wedding of Their Royal Highnesses. I must say Ms. Middleton - now HRH The Duchess of Cambridge (perfect title!) - looked absolutely stunning in her gown! I am sure Sarah Burton thought of Grace Kelly when making the gown (of course, another transformation of a commoner-into-Princess) and the tiara was very befitting. What did you think?

(BTW, I recently moved and they will have internet installed in the new place in a WEEK! Can't wait to be back in-world!)

updated by @marie-adelina-de-la-ferriere: 18 Oct 2016 08:53:53PM
Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
13 years ago
263 posts


I mean it was pretty nice :) Though one may argue about the attire of some nobles present during the ceremony...In general I thought it was all tooo perfect to be know what i mean? nothing went wrong!!

and who forced her sister to wear this horrible dress?

Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
13 years ago
263 posts
waste of money!
Brandon December
13 years ago
1 posts
That's what I love about dear MJ, she shoots from the hip!....... x
Sophia Trefusis
13 years ago
471 posts

I also thought it was inspired by Grace Kellys wedding gown..a very simple but stunning look:) And the church looked lovely.

But there were some parts I didnt like...

No-one of the lady guests wore a long gown.Just boring suit outfit.Also I wish theyd shown when our crownprincess Victoria and her husbandarriving.Instead the BBC showed a dictator on the red carpet.Unforgivable...

MarieLouise Harcourt
13 years ago
647 posts
I liked it. I thought the queen looked great in yellow!
Sophia Trefusis
13 years ago
471 posts
I heard there was a bet going on what color she would wear the wedding.;)
Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
13 years ago
263 posts

which dictator was it ? I did not watch too closely.

I just loved how the foreign royals were taken to the church in buses :D

Lord Myron de Verne
13 years ago
113 posts
I heard two billion people looked at the wedding, and methinks a much , much smaller number looked at the former Pope sanctification today...which, according to me, proves that most people dare to imagine themselves as a Princess or Prince,but very few intend to become a saint....
Marie Joséphine de Savoie
13 years ago
13 posts
I agree; I thought the dear Queen looked absolutely precious! :-))
Marie Joséphine de Savoie
13 years ago
13 posts
You mean her SISTER'S dress cost 15,000 POUNDS? Mon Dieu!!
Lord Myron de Verne
13 years ago
113 posts
Indeed, she looked like a lovely mustard pot with a yellow lid.
Marie Joséphine de Savoie
13 years ago
13 posts
* cannot wait to see how dashing the charming Lord Myron will look in his mid eighties... ;-) *
Lord Myron de Verne
13 years ago
113 posts
*Boops! awaits a rolling thunder of criticisms...unless he gets disdainful pouts*
Marie Joséphine de Savoie
13 years ago
13 posts
Not at all, Lord Myron! Though one should remember, it is the mark of a true gentleman to be able to make little old ladies smile and feel as lovely as a girl a quarter their age ;-)
Lord Myron de Verne
13 years ago
113 posts

I accept the lesson and bend a knee, Madame:-) No matter how hard and how long we strive at being gentlemen, we men seem tooften give shelter to this little devil of cynicism, who, once in awhile, comes to the forefont:-)

Besides, attending the otherwise beautiful Versailles Opening last night, I heard worse words fromcertain persons ( certainly not you, I must say).But this is no excuse.

God Save The Queen!

Lord Myron de Verne
13 years ago
113 posts
I was speaking of the dress, Madame. I promise you I won't wear yellow when I am 85:-)
Madame Desireme Fallen
13 years ago
110 posts

Friday I attended the royal event at the Palmer House Hitlon at 5 am and that was an amazing get together and it was packed...the general comments was that she looked beautiful and the wedding overall done with taste with a touch to the old traditions but letting new ones emerge. It was said that they did not want too many things that they felt reminded the people of Diana, as it was suppose to be Kate's day and not part memorial andwedding day. OMG..some of those present at the wedding looked like they have been on moth balls and just dragged out for thespecial occasion. Victoria Beckman rocked!!! The hats were the best part of the wedding to me and they were gorgeous...except for the hats worn by Fergie's daughters. Since we do not have royals in the united states, but love watching them, we enjoy watching the British Royalty. The closes I feel we have ever come tohaving royalswas when we have the Kennedys in the white house. No one could touch Jackie with hergrace and style..even now.

Wonder how the other brother's wedding will be like when he marries and what type of girl he will ultimately bring into the Firm?

Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
13 years ago
192 posts

Oh I prefered the sister's dress. Although her Fanta-orange tan was reprehensible. As was that awful mohair cardigan at the evening event.

As for Midds, I liked the bottom of the dress but the top was a bit prim for me. Still, much better than I thought.

MariaAntonia Barenhaut
13 years ago
125 posts
It's considered bad taste to wear a long dress to a wedding, unless you're in the wedding party itself :P
MariaAntonia Barenhaut
13 years ago
125 posts
She wore the Queen Mother's Halo tiara :D
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
13 years ago
192 posts
My darling tante, I have been told that if one types into a machine known as 'google' the decidedly odd phrase 'My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding' one is, by some form of divert, given a vision of what his royal highness Prince Harry's nuptials will look like!(For anyone unfamiliar with My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, this is a must. Hopefully it will give our decorators and couturieres many ideas for future Rotal Courts weddings!)
Maria Carolina von Habsburg
13 years ago
17 posts

I thought the royal wedding was fabulous. Not too over the top and lavish like Princess Diana's wedding. Instead it was more intimate which is exactly what The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge wanted for their special day.

Dress of female guests seemed very appropriate to me especially since the dress code was printed on the invitations when they went out, ie. uniforms, morning coats or lounge suits. Long formal gowns would not have looked right on a wedding guests in my opinion.

Kate's dress was gorgeous, though I did expect something a little more grand. The more I saw her in it the more I liked it. Definitely very Grace Kelly-esque. Simple and elegant with a skirt that flowed beautifully.
I know a lot of people didn't care for Pippa's gown but I thought it was lovely. A beautiful color with great lines that showed off her figure beautifully.

The Cartier Halo Tiara isn't one of my favorites but it looked wonderful with Kate's veil and gown. The Spenser Tiara would have looked nice with her gown and veil as well but Kate could not have worn that
as she wasn't a Spencer nor marrying into the Spencer Family.

I can't wait to see what tiaras the Queen will loan to Kate in the coming years.

All in all the wedding was great. I'm sure Diana was looking down beaming with pride at her son. It will be interesting to see who Prince Harry chooses for a bride and what his wedding will be like.

Sophia Trefusis
13 years ago
471 posts
Sultan of Brunei
Sophia Trefusis
13 years ago
471 posts

English... :P

Sophia Trefusis
13 years ago
471 posts
But its soo much work Myron... ;)
Sophia Trefusis
13 years ago
471 posts

Im surprised the word "obey" is still in used in wedding vows.

Sophia Trefusis
13 years ago
471 posts
I think the english will have to wait a looong time for that..hes a wild one.
Marie Joséphine de Savoie
13 years ago
13 posts
THANK YOU! I thought I was the only one who thought the Middleton's all looked a little heavy handed with the fake n' bake. "Ooma -loompa" is never a good look :P
Sophia Trefusis
13 years ago
471 posts

I saw the was very gaudy and over-the top But mostly I felt sorry for the girls (and boys) who had to get married so young. T

he gowns they wore,well they looked like something a 6-year old girlwould like to get married in. Wich was probably the age when they started to plan their wedding..

Marie Joséphine de Savoie
13 years ago
13 posts
It was a morning wedding... I don't think evening wear (long dresses on guests) would have been done. I know, it might have been interesting to see a red-carpet like parade of gowns, but still... Since it was early in the day, we WERE treated to the most spectacular array of millinery I've ever seen! What in God's name was on Princess Beatrice's head?? lol!! Apparently she is the Mad- Hatter of the British aristocracy... Some of the things she has worn would eclipse even Marie-Antoinette's wild headgear.... (a live CAT? lol)
Marie Joséphine de Savoie
13 years ago
13 posts
Would have been bad taste to wear a sleeveless gown to a morning wedding in a church... I, for one, was glad to actually see a wedding gown that looked like a wedding gown and not just an evening dress in white...
Marie Joséphine de Savoie
13 years ago
13 posts
Yes, it might be a little while yet before Harry and I get married... *smiles wistfully*
Sophia Trefusis
13 years ago
471 posts
I cant believe it 00
Marie Joséphine de Fiennes
13 years ago
25 posts
The lace really was fantastic. I love the little midnight blue Austin Martin they sped off in at the end too freakin adorable!