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Lochmore village on the Isle of Kerrera

Finn McCulloch
6 years ago
4 posts

Set in 1742 in the Hebrides, our active role-play uses the new AES system that gives an opportunity for a more robust and historically accurate experience of village life in the Western Isles. 

Crofters, tradespeople, and craftsmen are all welcome to join us. Or, just come take a tour of the isle and stay for a whisky and a bit of banter.

Tatiana Dokuchic
6 years ago
1,919 posts

Looking forward to visiting you!  I'll be brushing off my tartan :)

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Abbondio Rezzonico
6 years ago
39 posts

The Rezzonico family congratulates Lochmore with the finalizing of full use of AES on sim. We hope to see the highlands becoming a lively rp location within our community!

Abbondio Rezzonico
Banker, Merchant & Vintner
@ Rocca Sorrentina
Finn McCulloch
6 years ago
4 posts

Needed roles include:

Tenant farmers for Seafield and Highfield Farms as well as cattlemen and shepherds for Kerrera. Comes with fields and a house cow. 

The following professions have available shops:
Tavern keeper
Herbalist and Doctor