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LadySatine Constantine
13 years ago
24 posts

My dear Friends

Some of you are already aware of this others I am imforming now, I had an incerdent earlyer today at my home, I was up in my skybox, now only family, close friends and estate owners know about this sky box, it is that high up it would take ages to fly.

Well this guy appeared out of no where never seen him before in my life, scared the bejesuse's out of me... I asked him what he was doing and how he got past my secerity orb, he didnt answer me so I ejected him. Normaly one cant come back with a secrity orb in place well he came back yet again, so I ejected and banned him, I did this 5 times and still he kepts coming back, I contacted my estate owner who esate wide banned him, still he kept coming back, he even threatoned myself and the estate owner that nothing could stop him, with colourful words thrown in.. We have both since reported him and muted him still he is getting past things..

I have let everyone I knwo with land or sims, I advise you to do the same his name is Blue Berman.

I just hope lindens can do something... All I can say is he/she must be extreamly good with computers to get past Lindens security messures and personal ones.

Kind Regards


updated by @ladysatine-constantine: 06 Oct 2016 06:06:42AM
Renonys d'Aquitaine
13 years ago
46 posts
Satine, I feel badly that you had this horrible experience. :(
LadySatine Constantine
13 years ago
24 posts

ty my dear,

but what can you do I am told they pick people at random, now he is after the estate manager aswell... I am not worried about the estate manager as he owns god only know how many sims, we are not talking 1 or 2 here.. He is what one would call a Baron Owner or Lord or something like that... in other words someone who pays BIG BICKYS to lindens each month Lindens will move on this like hot cakes, I even got an email back with 5 minutes, I almost fell off the dam chair, Lindens has never responed to me that quick...

My Husband is getting more security messures for our land, dont know what that will do if he can get past an estate bann and mute...

Btw I do appolijices to anyone who has received my NC and wandering what I was going on about as a few people have imed me, I didnt explain myself very well it was more a suggestion to ban that guy and be on the look out...

It is what happens when you have 2 sick kids who are being perfect pills than you log on and get that crap..Last thing I needed today

Lady Hartfield
13 years ago
264 posts
Eeeks, awfully sorry, this is why they are called "griefers". Glad you have a land baron going to the Lindens, they do get results, don't they? - Eeeks.
Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
13 years ago
263 posts

such incidents do not happen very often. Its mainly due to a technical issue of the grid that residents cannot be banned completely...or the banning process does not work. I think this was an happened to me before - just a temporary issue of the server or the system in general.

However, I agree with you that it is very spooky. I oince tried to eject a griefer from the group. Nonetheless he would be able to send stupid messages in the group chat. I could not even manage to mute his text chat...that was really weird. Does anyone know more about this?

Madame Desireme Fallen
13 years ago
110 posts

If a person is software savvy and know the limitations of the software used to run Second Life, it is entirely possible to get pass anybans, mutings,closed accesses, and security orbs. You have to AR (abuse report)this person to death to Linden. Looking up this person's profile he belongs to one group that says a lot about him...stalkerz, haterz, and followers-2. He apparently knows his way around the software grid and obviousholes in the formulaand can exploit it like the Comtesse stated. The only way to deal with him is to get his removal through linden, as he clearly has no respect for restraints or privacy of any.

Hopes this helps.....if not get a software geek who knows second life and fight fire with fire.

Mademoiselle de Fraises
13 years ago
10 posts
Thank you for sharing your horrible ordeal with us! and that person's name too. I will ban him from my lands, however he/she may switch names I bet. what did he want anyway?
LadySatine Constantine
13 years ago
24 posts
well I spoke to Sky she seems to think this person might be a teengager that dosent spell properly something along thoughs lines, but I dont spell the best lol... not to make light of this situation, but is is an issue I felt that friends need to be aware of..
MarieLouise Harcourt
13 years ago
647 posts

Eeeeek, how scary!!

I was once in a sandbox, just working on my gown. Then some guy came to me and said ''Wow, you must have been working very long on that''. And then he entirely copied what I was wearing and put it on the ground. I don't know how those creepy guys do it, but it's EEK.

Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
13 years ago
263 posts
this cannot be possible. manipuilating the viewer will not help. he would have to ahck the servers of LL which is practically impossible for a normal person. since this happened to me quite often i assume thats a technical issue
Madame Desireme Fallen
13 years ago
110 posts

My dear comtesse, I work for a software divisionin one of the largest companies in the world and smiling, know is possible, believe me. Therehas notbeen any software programever created that cannot be hacked. Hackers are not normal software users. They are software the point of being genius.Wow, if they would only spend that knowledge and time doing good...what a world we could have instead ofexploiting their talentfor bad, The thrill to them is getting around it and breaching it. In real life why do you think we have so many patches and security breaches, because some company or government databasehas been compromised and our personal information has been stolen or worse... ourpersonal computers and laptops have had stolen information. Because someone found a way around the security aspect and breached it for fun and or profit.Linden has many holes in its formulas that are exploited everyday, by hackers and sosphicated geeks.

Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
13 years ago
263 posts
oh dear...thats a nightmare..:((
Aimee Wheatcliffe
13 years ago
51 posts
That people isn't worth enough tobother with them... Don't let that idiot take control of you.
LadySatine Constantine
13 years ago
24 posts
lolMarquise de Montesson yes that is right
Skye Varriale
13 years ago
96 posts
The problem with these nutbars is they can just add another avi and come back until LL does something about them. Even then, all they need is a new email address and they can show up again. My advice is to report them over and over until something is done.
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
13 years ago
192 posts
'Nutbar' is being added to 'Batshit crazy' as some of my favourite descriptions for these kind of people!
Marie Joséphine de Fiennes
13 years ago
25 posts
I'm sorry this happened to you. I get unwanted visitors all the time but... this is very odd indeed!