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Prize-winning fencing tournament!

Lord Myron de Verne
15 years ago
113 posts

3 Novelties for the next meeting of the Royal Courts Fencing Group , to be held on Sunday May 30th at 12 pm!

-For the first time, it will take place abroad: we are welcomed by His Majesty King William I and Her Majesty the Queen Wilhelmina of the Court of Orange Nassau of the Netherlands, in ISLE OF ROY.

-His Majesty ( Roy100 Allen) has the extreme generosity to award a prize of 1500 L$ to the best male/female fencer of the day! We thank heartfully this generous and enlightened Sovereign!

- Therefore, for the first time, this meeting will be held as a tournament: for more details , read the discussion in the Royal Courts Fencing Group ( click in Groups)

Just a few more details:

-Any fencer from the Royal Courts, in period attire, is welcome, even if not a member of the group

-This being a tournament, we will not be able to accept ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS this time: you need to know the rules andmoves of EN GARDE FENCING to register. Beginners, you still have two days to practice and get accustomed to the gameplay!

- Be on time! (12 pm)Would the number of contestantsbe high,if you arrive too late, the registration for the tournament might be closed!

I hope you will enjoy both your fencing on the three pistes , and the beautiful settings of the Isle of Roy!

updated by @lord-myron-de-verne: 06 Oct 2016 06:03:27AM
Tatiana Dokuchic
15 years ago
1,919 posts
What an exciting community event!I guess I had better get some practice in and go out and find some four-leaf clovers for that additional (and essential) touch of luck :)

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Docteur Panacek
15 years ago
69 posts
I am already looking forward to this 'Royal' event. I hope i can find my sword in time, it still is missing since we moved in our new house.... I wonder if a surgical scalpel counts as a legal weapon during fencing?