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2-day Yard Sale in Philomena (1900s historical RP/educational sim in SL)

Lorsagne de Sade
10 years ago
313 posts

A combination of RL duties and computer "issues" (never replace video card, audio card, power supply, primary hard drive, operating system and Firestorm all at once if you want to maintain your sanity) has kept me from posting much or working on the on-going DECADES project after our Festival in July. The first outpost is almost ready to open, with decor items for sale benefiting NING.

A mini-preview this weekend, since Philomena's mayor (and Ning member) Blake Panache has kindly made prims available for residents to put our things for sale this weekend. A community yard sale. He nudged me to add some things from the not-quite-yet-open DECADES Galleries in town. Photo below. Some Mad Pea gatchas and some things that will be offered (at higher prices) in the Galleries.

If you're up for some shopping this weekend, pop on by (and tour the town if you haven't; it's a well-done recreation of American life in the midwest in the early part of the 20th century. Lots of residents are participating in the yard sales and it's fun to poke around in other people's things ...just like in RL...with the bonus that 100% of any sales will be turned over to Tat for Royal Courts costs for NING.

The DECADES Galleries shop SURL:


updated by @lorsagne-de-sade: 06 Jan 2017 02:22:08AM
Tatiana Dokuchic
10 years ago
1,919 posts

Welcome back, Lorsange! Sorry about your computer struggles; glad you're up and running again.

Thanks so much for doing this. It's very much appreciated.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Lady Leena Fandango
10 years ago
358 posts

Glad to see you back Lorsagne! This looks amazing and I can't wait to visit :)

Lorsagne de Sade
10 years ago
313 posts

I wasn't the model of clarity in my post (as usual). Proceeds from sales from the DECADES Gallery parcel (still under construction) go directly to Royal Courts....residents in the town aren't sharing...grin!

It really was fun. Linden Lab has lost the proceeds for one L$30 sale and is looking for it now. I'll send the remaining L$265 to Tatiana soon as I get inworld. Not a big amount to be sure, but it does give me the beginning of a hare-brained idea . . .