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Sanssouci Park: Claire nukes her sim while installing Christmas Lights

Claire-Sophie de Rocoulle
10 years ago
112 posts

So trying to see the funny side of this -_- because currently my choices are laugh or cry.

What happened?

Sim overflowed to 9000 and returned everyones stuff. My stuff is mostly still there but everyone elses stuff is not

How it happened?

I made a new Christmas light set on mesh studio and it was at convex hull setting showing a land impact of 27 but I wanted to see the land impact at prim physics which made the land impact jump to a whopping 10 000!!

Didn't realize what happened at first but when I did - see picture below for reaction


Thank you so much to Jane Ixtar for helping me to keep calm the moments after I realize what had happened. And thank you to my wonderful tenants who are being very nice about it.

I am waiting for Linden office hours at the moment - hopefully they can help.

PS: Building wise it's really interesting this happened. I never heard of it happening I always imagined there be a system safe guard against an object shooting up in LI like that. But learned a good lesson in keeping an eye on land impact from now on.

updated by @claire-sophie-de-rocoulle: 06 Oct 2016 06:38:19AM
Claire-Sophie de Rocoulle
10 years ago
112 posts

Update: Sim was rolled back to around Thursday 1am. If you have objects rezzed on my sim please check everything is accounted for.

Tatiana Dokuchic
10 years ago
1,919 posts

Oh no!!

I feel your pain & hope you're back up and running soon. I'm guessing/hoping/praying that LL can do a rollback for you and all will be mostly restored.

Thanks for the information. I knew it could happen (and I've argued with tenants about this) but a reminder is very good once in a while.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Tatiana Dokuchic
10 years ago
1,919 posts

Thank goodness!!

Thanks for the update.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Claire-Sophie de Rocoulle
10 years ago
112 posts

My understanding was the object itself would be returned if it went over the land limit not everyone else's. I wonder if the fact that I was the sim owner effected which objects got returned. As far as I could tell non of my objects got returned...

Tatiana Dokuchic
10 years ago
1,919 posts

I knew from experience (this was years ago so may have changed) that ifANYONE blows the region limitobjectsget returned.

I always thought that the things that werereturned were randomly selected which is scary stuff.

If you find any information that is up-to-date about this please pass it on.


Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Tiamat Windstorm von Hirvi
10 years ago
359 posts

I know your pain.

When Olavi and I first partnered, and I started sharing responsibility for management of the MarieGalante sim, he left on holiday and within three days I managed to return - not merely one item left by some tourist - EVERYTHING on the island and seabed and sky platforms, including cavern construction, mer haunts, and tropical vegetation put in place by earlier owners who were no longer present regularly in Second Life. A very bald tropical very public view! And I had never done sim admin before, let alone landscape design or any building more complicated than texturing, stretching and moving a dividing wall.

Fortunately I was able to depend on a couple of very supportive estate administrators with lots of experience for help, advice, and hyperspeed tutorial. Even more fortunately, I had a few days of vacation to restore the basics once Pam and Sam and a couple of others had provided me with freebie rocks and other building blocks and put me on track with editing, placement and sources of necessities that required actual Linden. By the time Olavi returned, the island looked more or less like itself, and I was able to merely apologise profusely for the nuisance involved in him having to return his own objects to their places, rather than having to confess to whole-sim mass destruction while standing in the ruins.

I did something similar to what you did a few months ago, when I un-convexed a new house that was impossible to enter because the builder had convexed and then sold it without checking to make sure that the LI reduction hadn't caused issues. That was only a matter of fifty prims over capacity, though, so all that I managed to knock out that time was the 2000-meter forest, one platform and a couple of sheep. Still embarrassing, because the trees and platform were Jacon's and some confession was thus required.

Antiquity Hedgewitch
Lorsagne de Sade
10 years ago
313 posts

Oh, this is the most wonderful tale should publish this widely. I don't think there is a soul in SL (well, maybe not total noobs) who cannot empathize--and mutter to themselves, "There but for the grace of . . . " at your recounting.

And the poor sheep...I hope they have been reconstituted and are once again happily nibbling pixel grass in a fine meadow.

Lorsagne de Sade
10 years ago
313 posts


Hugs. Thank goodness for rollbacks.

Claire-Sophie de Rocoulle
10 years ago
112 posts

Yes. I think I will never complain about Linden prices again. They were very nice about it when I called them up for one.

Claire-Sophie de Rocoulle
10 years ago
112 posts

I think in the situation if you can't fix it you have to see it as an opportunity to make something new.

There were't any sheep on my sim but I fear for a moment there I may have killed AbbedeLuynesHorses and Jane Ixtar's noisy grasshopper

Lorsagne de Sade
10 years ago
313 posts

I gotta say they have always been great when I have contacted them for help...putting up with incredibly dumb noob stuff and spending months tracking down a memory leak without complaint and always taking the time to explain to me what was going on.

Tiamat Windstorm von Hirvi
10 years ago
359 posts

Actually, the mer cavern ended up quite different in style from the original creation - I think beneficially so; what I cobbled together during that desperate week has more of a "lava tube" effect which is what it should have, given that MarieGalante is essentially a volcanic crater and the sea cave would be the shell left by the drainage of a lava dome.

Antiquity Hedgewitch