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RL Letter Discovered in Louis XV Desk at Versailles from WWII era

MarieLouise Harcourt
13 years ago
647 posts

Interesting such a letter is found after such a long period of time! I wonder what other kind of things they'll find in the future!

Sir Thomas Cave
13 years ago
149 posts

Amazing. I agree with Mlle de Bonzac, and this goes to show, that you'll never know what you'll find. Thereprobablythousands of secrets hidden in versailles,wetherits the secret panels in the wall used for storage, or little treasures hidden andovershadowedby other things.

Sophia Trefusis
13 years ago
471 posts

Its interesting such an old letter could be found after all this time. I was expecting a more exciting subject matter pertaining to Louis XV.

Lady Hartfield
13 years ago
264 posts

Interesting letters that we'd love to see discovered in the recesses of Louis XV's desk:

"My dear sister and cousin, while your daughter has been delightful in almost every way possible as a princess and, indeed, as a granddaughter, I am afraid that the fact that she and her husband have not yet consummated their union forces us to consider ..."

" ... votre majeste, it is of the greatest importance that you hold fast against the Parlements! The danger they pose to your people, not to mention to the efficient resolution of France's financial problems, is too much to contemplate. Your most devoted subject etc etc Terray"

" ... in fact, my love, while I am separated from you, I must tell you that what I question is not why Louise went into a convent, but quite honestly why you do not pack the whole lot of them off after her. God knows we should all be happier, and do not you think they would be as well?"

Sophia Trefusis
13 years ago
471 posts


Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
13 years ago
192 posts

"Dearest darling Axel,

I am pregnant! It is yours! Hold me!

Your beloved Josephine!"