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Joyland: Stephen King pits Pulp against Pixels

Tatiana Dokuchic
12 years ago
1,919 posts

Another Canadian Labour Day Weekend has rolled around and as usual I'm in denial aboutthe summer coming to a close. My summer 2013 reading (now read) list turned out to be as eclectic asalways andI've just finished reading Joyland by Stephen King which means that it just squeezed in under the wire for inclusion on that list.

There's a bit of a story concerning Joyland's late addition. InMay Iheard early whispers about the book and knew that it was going to be published by Hard Case Crime same as The Colorado Kid (waves hello to fellow Haven fans) soI was eagerly anticipating an e-book download in June. Then came the news, trumpeted by the Wall Street Journal no less, Stephen King Says No to E-Book, to Scare Up Business .

Seems that Joyland wasn't destined to reside companionably beside The Colorado Kid on my e-reader after all!

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 06 Oct 2016 06:22:35AM
Candace Ducatillon
12 years ago
204 posts

Oh Tatiana ... how DO you find the time to DO all you DO and still read !??? Perhaps you will consider writing a blog with the secret embedded ... :-)

Tatiana Dokuchic
12 years ago
1,919 posts

LOL Candace. Don't be fooled by my Social Media persona :)

Though I write about my "every day adventures" in my real life blog I try not to "whine online" too much so you only see the good stuff.

In reality I have much more ambition than I do time or energy to get everything done.

If I was going to write a post about my "secret" it would probably be titled something like:
"Prioritize: Read More, Dust & Vacuum Less" :))

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Jane Ixtar
12 years ago
115 posts

Tatiana is being modest. She reads alot. I have taken her links to links and recently bought among other titles , Rutherford's Paris, which upon arrival was a CD set. These I kept, thinking well maybe one day, I can listen rather than read, so ordered again, the print. I received a book which appeared to be 1500 pages and upon opening find it islarge print.This was so annoyingbut became amusing when I was reading it on the train, barely able to hold the huge thing on my lap,and see the guy in the seat in front of me was reading it also - the large print version. I didn't even ask. Was so funny.

Candace Ducatillon
12 years ago
204 posts

Indeed ! and Indeed again !

Tatiana Dokuchic
12 years ago
1,919 posts

Oh no, Jane!!

That book is big enough without having it in large print!! It's really one that I appreciate having on my e-reader - lol

I think Amazon (did you get it from Amazon?) must just be messing with you now ;)

On another note, you're right, I do read a lot which means that I have much less time to devote to housekeeping. I always say that one of the best things about SL is that you don't have to dust or do laundry :))

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Jane Ixtar
12 years ago
115 posts

H Tatiana, I think it would have Book Depository as I get everything I can through them as the postage is no fee, very nice, but I am thinking about ordering the book for the third time and hopefully will receive a movie. :DD

Tatiana Dokuchic
12 years ago
1,919 posts


I don't think a movie is out yet, Jane, but just think of all the different languages this must have been translated into. Perhaps you could start out with something in Mandarin? ;)

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Jane Ixtar
12 years ago
115 posts

I hadn't thought but yes, well I shall be thankful it is in English and get on with it. Depending on how it goes, I have London also, a similarly longish work, but a tiny book in comparison. See how we go.