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Ever, Jane MMO sucessfuly funded on Kickstarter!

12 years ago
280 posts


Remember that Jane Austen-esque MMO I posted about some weeks ago ? It was successfully funded 4 days ago! Here is the update posted by Judy L. Tyrer:



Well, we did it! It's been a bit of a roller-coaster ride, but we did it thanks to you .


So what happens next?

The first thing is that Kickstarter will be collecting all your pledges over the next two weeks look out for an e-mail from them in case there are any problems with your cards! You wouldn't want to miss out, now, would you? While this is happening, the prototype game will remain free to play, so do invite friends if you would like.

We will, however, be busy setting up our website to handle account verification and payments, and once this is in place, only you, our backers, will be able to continue to play for free. However, we're also listing our stretch goals on the website and people who contribute to these will have automatic access to the game. We're also going to be setting up a spreadsheet with all your names and the rewards you're entitled to so that you don't miss out when we launch the game itself 90% of the rewards are in-game, as you know, so you will have to wait for most of these.

I hope we'll also be able to put you on a mailing list so that we can keep you informed about new updates, releases, etc. We'll be putting these on our website, of course, but it would be good to be able to e-mail you as well. Obviously we'll set up a mechanism so that you can unsubscribe from our e-mails and we promise not to e-mail you too often but we hope you'll want to go on hearing from us, and be willing to allow e-mails from into your inbox.

Next up will be our end-of-year parties, so please keep an eye on the website for details: And thank you all, so much, once again.



updated by @leopoldina: 06 Oct 2016 06:25:37AM
Tatiana Dokuchic
12 years ago
1,919 posts

Very cool! Thanks for the update!

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Georgiana Fitzherbert Grace
12 years ago
95 posts
Oh how wonderful! Thanks cherie
Jane Ixtar
12 years ago
115 posts

Well I guess I better have a look at it. ;p

12 years ago
103 posts

Wonderful, but I also like to remind people, we have a Jane Austen / Regency Sim active in SL, Regency Somerset.


Welcome to Regency Somerset, in Antiquity, SL. Land at "Port Austen" and visit the spa at Bath. The year is 1813, Prince-Regent George IV holds the throne, and the newly-published Pride & Prejudice is all the rage among novel readers.

Regency Somerset is a representation of the spirit of the southern English county of Somerset during the Regency. The year is 1813, in The Reign of the Prince-Regent George the IV, Prince of Wales. It's the era of Jane Austen, Beau Brummel and the Duke of Wellington.

Emperor Napoleon of France is creating havoc in Europe, Beethoven and Schubert are performing Music, and a Classical Revival has Ii nfluenced design, both in architecture and clothing.

We're under construction but please come see our progress. Take ship via and land at Port Austen. Here you'll (soon) find a visitor's center, shops, a conservatory tea house, the martello tower defenses and an inn from which you can catch a carriage to the Crescent and the social scene and spa at Bath.

Please keep in mind this is a representation, not a recreation. After visiting many historical sims, including those run by museums and educational institutions, and talked to many people, looking at limits on both plot size and budgets, it was decided a reduced scale was best.

We make no claim of accurate recreation, but merely faithfulness to a theme. Using artistic license and practical compromise we can create a workable sim. To recreate only the Royal Crescent in full scale would require an entire Sim to itself: a truly magnificent build and one we would like to see done one of these days, but without support of a major donor such a creation would not be supportable at this time.

This half-sim is part of the Antiquity Sims, engaging in historically-themed light roleplay. We keep the roleplay easy but ask that you do please visit in Regency attire and Regency character to whatever degree you are able, as this will help create a fuller experience for all. Our shops, once opened, will make this easier for you.

We strive to build an environment where friends of the English Regency, Jane Austen, Hornblower, Aubrey and Maturin, a little Dickens, The Napoleonic Era, and the era's Art and Architecture will enjoy playing, and perhaps learn a little, while accepting our limitations. This is a Work in Progress, a Work Evolving. Thank you for joining us in its creation!

12 years ago
280 posts

I remember your posts about it, but I think your LM is not working.

Is there much roleplay going on the sim?

12 years ago
103 posts

Like any RL small community, there are quiet times, there are spontainaces moments, and there are planed events. Also, like real Life, Life in Regency Somerset is a lot what each person makes of it.

Currently, We have Ice skating on Burton Green.

And we have conversations and some times dances in Nelsons Blood Tavern.

We also try to organize things for holidays, like Trafalgar Day and Guy Fulks.

12 years ago
103 posts


12 years ago
103 posts


12 years ago
103 posts
