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Westboutin Sedans ~ NOW on sale in Aquitaine Coeur and the Royal Marketplace!

Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
14 years ago
192 posts
"The sedan chair was one of the coquettish luxuries of the day, and these afforded an unusually fine surface for decoration."

Westboutin may be known for exquisite aristocratic shoes - but what better way to protect those shoes from the dirt and grime of the city streets - or the muddy ravages of the countryside - than in a custom-crafted, heavily-cushioned sedan chair?

Westboutin are proud to present, after much (MUCH) trial and error
the first historically-accurate eighteenth-century sedan chair in Second Life! ( Howler not included)

Modelled here by my good self and the marvellous Duchesse de Rochefort, these are Westboutin's first commercial models: the Dampierre Sedan d't and the Dampierre Sedan d'Hiver , each in a choice of two colours!

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The Dampierre Sedan D't features decorative panels of suitably whimsical pastoral scenes, a padded and curtained silk-damask interior with many a tush cush, and exquisite white carved woodwork - including finials and a crest. Bob and Bob, your chairmen, are hardy fellows - twin brothers both willing and able to ferry you from pillar to post.
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But, when winter creeps in, it is undoubtedly time to turn to the The Dampierre Sedan D'Hiver , the ultimate in cold-climate comfort.

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Upholstered in rich velvet and brocade with a fur-trimmed cushion, this sedan has a regal finial at its very top, sides padded for insulation and richly veneered in walnut and mahogany. This version also comes with a wolfskin knee-blanket (modifiable, in case you'd prefer a velvet or brocade). Bob and Bob are once more at your service. This time, they're wearing hardy woolen undergarments.

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(On a practical level, all the sedans are scripted to adjust for different av heights, attach to the pelvis for ease, have shadow prims and come with a decorative static version for your maison or jardin)

On sale now at the following fine establishments:

Versailles Marketplace -

Westboutin Chaussures, Aquitaine Coeur -

SL Marketplace - [page]=2&search[store_id]=57664

Her Highness wears gowns by Madame Milneaux, wig and headdresses by Yoohoo! Haute Coiffeurs.

Monsieur le Prince wears tailoring by Trasgo Beaumont at Le Grenier du Chateau, shoes by Westboutin Chaussures.

updated by @henri-louis-marie-de-rohan: 06 Oct 2016 01:58:51PM
Madame Desireme Fallen
14 years ago
110 posts
I got mines...EXQUISTE!!! I just love it...and the ease of use..and I look divinely beautiful in it!!! The details are superb and the foot men are well dressed and obedient and can keep a secret as to where you are being carried, smiling!You can even tp in it!!!Thank you, Westboutin, for this marvelous creation that will definitely help me to make quite the fashionableentrance intomy next ball, tea, or whereever Iwish to arrive in style.
Tatiana Dokuchic
14 years ago
1,919 posts

How wonderful!!

Thank you so much for sharing this with us :))

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
14 years ago
192 posts
I am so glad you like them tante dearest! Many more to follow, and your custom is of course first on my plate!
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
14 years ago
192 posts
Glad you like them Tat! The Sedan d'Hiver was perfect for me to traverse the wintry climes of the Coeurs
Tatiana Dokuchic
14 years ago
1,919 posts
I can see that it would be. Now that spring is arriving you will soon have a chance to go "bobbing along" (hehe - carried by Bob & Bob) in the Sedan D't :)

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site