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L'art Antique: Lots of New Products!

Jake Vordun
14 years ago
35 posts

It's Christmas time at L'art Antique!

Snapshot_008.png I have added many new items to the shop for the holiday season!

Two new paintings have been added:

"The Fortune Teller" byJean-Baptiste La Prince


"The Flute Concert of Sanssouci" byAdolph von Menzel


I have also added a new line of musical boxes!

This is a special Christmas edition music box:

SignMusicBoxXmas.jpg This next music box is VERY special to me, as I composed the music it plays. I composed the music to be an authentic 18th century classical style.

SignStillLife.jpg The others play various baroque tunes.

SignGrapes.jpg SignBachMusicbox.jpg

I also made a whole line of jeweled snuff boxes as well.


SignRedBouquet.jpg SignMozart.jpg SignPurpleBouquet.jpg SignLouisXVI.jpg SignDuBarry.jpg

Anyone who is a member of the L'art Antique group, gets 10% off all snuff and musical boxes!

The boxes can all also be inscribed on the inside via special order:


One more thing to show! I promise!

I am starting a line of harpsichord sheet music. So far I have only one made, but it is a great one!


Phew, that was a long post, but I had a lot to show. I'm usually hanging out at my shop if anyone wants to stop by with questions, or just to chat!


updated by @jake-vordun: 12 Oct 2016 11:47:41PM
Jake Vordun
14 years ago
35 posts

Thank you! You made my day.

Lady Bluebird of Orkney
14 years ago
81 posts

SHEET MUSIC!!!! (And music boxes when my fingers - and talents - give out on the harpsichord!) Merveilleux!

Cherish Carver
14 years ago
47 posts

love the sheet music

Jake Vordun
14 years ago
35 posts

Thank you so much for your kind words! I just made some new sheet music. It's a folia by C.P.E. Bach. I'm boxing them up right now, and both pieces will be available for purchase!

Tiamat Windstorm von Hirvi
14 years ago
359 posts

Where is your shop, M. Vordun? I cannot seem to find it in SL Search.

Antiquity Hedgewitch
Jake Vordun
14 years ago
35 posts

There is a SLurl at the bottom fo my post. If you search L'art Antique you should also be able to find it in search.

I will post it here too:

Lady Hartfield
14 years ago
264 posts

Sheet music - I agree!! Very exciting, works with any harpsichord!!

Jake Vordun
14 years ago
35 posts

Yep, they work with any harpsichord :D

Today I added some new sheet music. A four movement work by Handel. they are all in a rezzer at my shop... All members of the L'art Antique group get 10% off too.

Sir Thomas Cave
14 years ago
149 posts

I just returned from my trip topairs, and there I found the most delightful shop, named L'Art Antique, and I now realize it's your store! Crammed withwondrousart works, the painting and their finely gilded frames are not the only gems here. I havewitnessthe beautiful music boxes. It's not the look i'm talking about, but its the music that comes with them. Each of them different, the most beautiful soundsemittedfrom them. It's amazing!

Jake Vordun
14 years ago
35 posts
I can't thank you all enough for the kind compliments!