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~Shopping at Rocca Sorrentina and the Bay of Naples~

Lady Leena Fandango
9 years ago
358 posts

Talented and amazing creators are offering their designs at Rocca Sorrentina and the Bay of Naples. A place to come for all your roleplay needs. From apparel to gardening to furnishings and more, come by and stroll while you enjoy the warm breezes of the beautiful island of Rocca Sorrentina and the Bay of Naples.

We welcome you!

~Rocca Sorrentina Shopping~


Fountain Plaza Shops


Courtyard Shops


Harborside Shops

~Bay of Naples Marketplace~

Two floors for your shopping pleasure!


Bay of Naples Marketplace

The shops are always open so stop by anytime.

The landmark links are below the photographs.

Enjoy and have fun :)

updated by @lady-leena-fandango: 06 Oct 2016 01:58:51PM
Tiamat Windstorm von Hirvi
9 years ago
359 posts

Worth visiting just for the architecture - but once you've been drawn innocently into the locale, temptation becomes a danger. However, I have finally found the perfect spot for the secretary I could not resist last time a hunt drew me into Timeless Decor; weakness of will sometimes proves a boon!

Antiquity Hedgewitch