Avatar: TatianaDokuchic Varriale
VW: Second Life
Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA
VW: Second Life
Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA

Adventures w Flat Rod: Rod Humble Crept into My Life
It's been a while since Rod Humble (aka Rodvik) crept into my life. Years really. Truth be told, I wasn't evenaware of his arrival at first, that's how stealthy he was.
This oversight on my part only seems fitting as I'm certain that to this dayhe has no idea that I even exist, except perhaps in the collective sense as a user of one of "his" products. I'm just one among the many and for the most part I'm very content withourat-arm's-length relationship.
Read more at Adventures w Flat Rod: Rod Humble Crept into My Life
Great story Tat. You inspire me to put away my LL/CEO voodoo doll and try to think more positively about inevitable change. ( ;
Thanks, Summer!
I had to laugh at your comment because I actually considered running a small business creating voodoo dolls ofthe upper management in my rl job. It never really got off the ground but it was a lot of fun talking about it
You should go out and get your own " Flat Rod " (they're free on the SLM) and start taking pictures. If you read the reviews on SLM you will see that it's been life changing for some
Thank you Tat. Although wondering now if a cardboard cutout of my deceased mother might work even better for me. ( ;