Avatar: TatianaDokuchic Varriale
VW: Second Life
Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA
VW: Second Life
Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA

Adventures w Flat Rod: Languedoc Coeur Chapel
Having serenaded Flat Rod in the Coeur Opera House and danced the minuet with him in the Ballroom (see Adventures w Flat Rod: Rod Humble Crept into my Life ) I felt it was time for some quiet reflection so off we went to the Languedoc Coeur Chapel.
It was quiet, theair sostill that it was easy to imaginethatold incense still hung over the altar. No light filtered through the stained glass windowsbut the walls were wonderfullyilluminated by the tall,waxtapers.
Looks like you had a lot of fun!
It was a lot of fun!
It was nice to reminisce about the shopping trip Skye, Bedrich & I took to find accessories for the chapel. We got to see some of the really grand Cathedrals of the time & try out all the religious objects & poses.
It was a hoot thinking of all the giggling brides who would glide down the aisle. Amazing how nervous a SL ceremony can make you! Then there were the SL glitches that added "character" to the ceremonies. I remember one bride that got left at the altar right after the vows and continued on to the reception by herself because her new husband had crashed (not sure he ever returned either).
I'm glad I got to take a few pictures before the chapel ended up "under the sea" so to speak and I'm glad that Flat Rod got to see it
and remember, don't stand flat Rod too close to the tapers. Safety First.
Excellent point, Aldo!
The varnish that keeps him waterproof would probably go up like a torch!
Swoosh ... no more Flat Rod.
yes. then he would be Crisp Rod