Avatar: TatianaDokuchic Varriale
VW: Second Life
Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA
VW: Second Life
Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA

Painting at the Petit Trianon
I had way too much fun setting up this shot for my "My Blogging Journey" post http://bit.ly/1nLKO72
Found it quite amusing as many of the other bloggers doing the challenge were posting pictures of their laptops & tablets. Meanwhile back in the 18 Century, I'm sticking to a fine quill pen and some lovely paints
Taken at the Petit Trianon, Provence Coeur Est.
Found it quite amusing as many of the other bloggers doing the challenge were posting pictures of their laptops & tablets. Meanwhile back in the 18 Century, I'm sticking to a fine quill pen and some lovely paints

Taken at the Petit Trianon, Provence Coeur Est.
This is really pretty Tatiana
Truly beautiful, Tatiana!. Your skill as a painter is wonderful,
Thank you, ladies!!
You just never know what hidden talents can be discovered in Second Life
Amazingly accurate! What an eye you have.
Thanks, Aphrodite! It's taken me years to develop and I still have a long way to go;)