There's a new Fishmonger (Fishwife) in town and she's been busy setting up her seafood stalls in the QH Market !
She's also working on a simple system for people to sell fresh seafood directly to the QH Co-op. No more baskets, salting, or packing, just the fun of fishing with some coins earned for your effort. Here's how:
- Pick up a free Fresh Seafood Sales Kit from the Fishmonger stall. It contains the "QH Fresh Seafood Dropbox" and an information card.
- Check out the "Fresh Seafood Today's Rates" board to see what the Fishmonger is currently purchasing along with the current rates.
- Deposit individual pieces of seafood into a "QH Fresh Seafood Dropbox" to get a count for each type of seafood.
- Record your counts in the Units column on the "QH Fresh Seafood Invoice" found in the dropbox. The Fishmonger is happy to calculate your Total $s for you (he/she cheats and uses an Excel spreadsheet) or you can do the figuring yourself and enter them as well.
- Remember that Tuna is tricky! You have to rezz each one and see how many PORTIONS there are per tuna. Use the total number of portions for your Units.
- Save your updated Invoice notecard. Keep a copy for your records and leave another copy in the dropbox.
- Send your dropbox to Tatiana who will approve the invoice and make arranges for you to receive your coins.
Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 25 Mar 2019 10:41:32AM