Age of Reason
Avatar: TatianaDokuchic Varriale
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Country: CA
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[AoR] News ~ April 19, 2024

Tatiana Dokuchic
5 months ago
1,919 posts

It’s spring in Provence!  Such a wonderful time of year full of possibilities as we return to our gardens, orchards, and fields with renewed vitality.


It’s a pleasure to welcome two new members, Ralph Adrian Verney (Nazeem) and Georgina Rowley.

We also welcome Banjo to his new role as Cooper.  Check out his barrels now for sale in the Market.


Household Challenge (HHC)

The Household Challenge saw an update to the daily menu and the addition of a new monthly challenge. Also see Tips & Tricks written over a year of real-life playing time.

[AoR] Household Management Challenge - Age Of Reason |



A new, smaller barrel (holds 16 units) is now available for the aging of ale & beer.  As the smaller barrel costs less, this will increase the profits for the brewer. 

  [AoR] Brewery - Age Of Reason |


Hot Trades (Baker, Brewer, Cook, Cooper, Chandler)

The following crafted products are needed for the HHC providing the perfect chance to develop your own trade.  These products can be purchased from Myriam but it would be preferable to cut her supply in favour of our own merchants. 

Please comment below or contact Tatiana to have this list updated to avoid duplication.

  • Bread
  • Butter
  • Cheese
  • Sugar
  • Potatoes – sold by Tatiana
  • Tea Leaves Dried – sold by Tatiana
  • Small beer & Brown ale – sold by Mikhail
  • Beeswax Candles
    • Beeswax – sold by Candace
    • Beeswax Candles in bulk form
  • Castile soap
    • Olive oil – sold by Banjo
    • Castile soap - sold by Chez


April Monthly Challenge:

  • 1 (8 units) Roast Ham – sold by Summer
  • 1 (8 units) Onion Soup – sold by Summer
  • 1 (8 units) Strawberry Pie – sold by Summer
  • 1 (8 units) Tea – sold by Chez
  • 1 (16 units) Sugar
  • 1 (5 units) Cinsault – sold by Tatiana

Please contact me if you are interested in producing Bread, Butter, Cheese, Sugar, or Beeswax Candles in bulk and I will help facilitate crafting & packaging. These bulk items are all needed for the HHC Families.


Cheesemaking *Coming Soon *


Cheesemaking is being upgraded to better reflect the real-life process.  Testing is underway with more news to follow very soon.

In the meantime, the Cheese recipe has been removed from the Cast iron pot.  Cheese can still be purchased from Myriam and retrieved from your basket.  This new version can be labelled.


Whew!  There’s lots to keep us busy this spring and if you have any ideas for other activities we would love to hear them. 



Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 22 Apr 2024 05:16:41AM