Forum Activity for @tatiana-dokuchic

Tatiana Dokuchic
22 Dec 2015 07:38:45AM
1,919 posts

TTR-Louis XVI "Deer" Chair & Table Set

House & Garden

Yes, a country home would be the perfect place for these, Tiamat. Let's hope that even the "refined" wouldn't turn down a good cookie on occasion ;)

Still, I have to admit that allowing my lord's influence in one room may be fair, as my own tends to dominate elsewhere.

Still chuckling over this as it definitely applies to my own situation ((especially in RL)).

Happy Holidays to you!!

Tatiana Dokuchic
20 Dec 2015 02:25:24PM
1,919 posts

TTR-Louis XVI "Deer" Chair & Table Set

House & Garden

And for those that prefer arms with their chairs :)

Find it Inworld oron the SLM

Tatiana Dokuchic
19 Dec 2015 02:16:23PM
1,919 posts

TTR-Louis XVI "Deer" Chair & Table Set

House & Garden

I've always loved this Louis XVI chair so I'm absolutely delighted to bring you an updated version with MORE Animations, MORE textures, LESS Land Impact & LESS L$.

It will take me some time to revise all of my older models but I thought I would start out with something brand-new & whimsical. It was suppose to be s single chair but once I got rolling with the candles, cookies and reindeer mugs I just could stop :)


This charming vignette adds a bit of rustic whimsy to your decor. The Louis XVI Chair boasts a frame of carved oak (light or dark) with a striking deer head motif. There are four fabric choices, two on cream coloured linen and two on red silk. A stylized snowflake graces the chair back with a wonderful wreath for the seat.

The side table is constructed of dark grained rosewood and is large enough to contain a vintage plate with snowflake cookies, two mugs of steaming hot chocolate and two fluted candles that light with a touch. The striped rug will keep your feet warm & define your seating arrangement.

Curl up with a good book, relax with a mug of cocoa, nibble a cookie or host a sing-along as you play your own guitar. With 25 animations (unisex, female, male, chat). there's lots to keep you occupied on cold winter nights. You'll also find writing & dining animations making the chair a perfect companion for your own desk or table.


Find it Inworld or on the SLM

Happy Holidays!


updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 23 Nov 2016 02:55:22PM
Tatiana Dokuchic
17 Dec 2015 06:05:11AM
1,919 posts

Regency Buckingham Chandelier Collection

Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **

They're beautiful, Jacon!

It's really difficult to find quality chandeliers so these are really wonderful :)

Tatiana Dokuchic
16 Dec 2015 06:15:51PM
1,919 posts

Project Bento

General Discussion

Well this is exciting!

We are introducing extensions to the standard Second Life Avatar Skeleton that give you dozens of new bones to support both rigging and animation, and accompanying new attachment points! This extended skeleton, which is fully backward compatible with existing avatars, rigging and animation, gives creators the power to build more sophisticated avatars than ever before. The skeleton extensions include:

  • 11 extra limb bones for wings, additional arms, or extra legs.
  • 6 tail bones
  • 30 bones in the hands (all 10 fingers!)
  • 30 bones for facial expressions
  • 2 other new bones in the head for animating ears or antennae
  • 13 new attachment points associated with the new bones

Introducing Project Bento - New Bones Added to Second Life Avatar Skeleton

Hurray for facial expressions & hand movements!

I also think it's a great sign that LL is continuing to update SL even with Sansar on the horizon :)

What say you?

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 06 Oct 2016 06:38:19AM
Tatiana Dokuchic
10 Dec 2015 09:10:54AM
1,919 posts

Sanssouci Park: Claire nukes her sim while installing Christmas Lights

Communty News & Events

I knew from experience (this was years ago so may have changed) that ifANYONE blows the region limitobjectsget returned.

I always thought that the things that werereturned were randomly selected which is scary stuff.

If you find any information that is up-to-date about this please pass it on.


Tatiana Dokuchic
10 Dec 2015 08:46:58AM
1,919 posts

Sanssouci Park: Claire nukes her sim while installing Christmas Lights

Communty News & Events

Oh no!!

I feel your pain & hope you're back up and running soon. I'm guessing/hoping/praying that LL can do a rollback for you and all will be mostly restored.

Thanks for the information. I knew it could happen (and I've argued with tenants about this) but a reminder is very good once in a while.

Tatiana Dokuchic
07 Dec 2015 11:21:05AM
1,919 posts

Versailles: TV Series Renewed for a Second Season


Has anyone else been watching Versailles?

I've PVR'd it and just watched the first two episodes. So far I have to say I love it which is a most pleasant surprise. There's at least one huge historical inaccuracy that appears to have been added for dramatic effect (why they have to do that when the real story is dramatic enough?) but apparently I'm willing to forgive it for the sake of the rest.

The good news is that it's already been renewed for next year.

Canal Plus Epic Drama Versailles Gets Greenlit For Second Season (EXCLUSIVE)

Tell me what you think!

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 06 Oct 2016 06:38:18AM
Tatiana Dokuchic
07 Dec 2015 06:32:55AM
1,919 posts

TTR: NEW Store * NEW Style * NEW Gifts

Business Announcements

Thanks for stopping by, Lorsange!

The animations reallywere a lot of fun to set up :)
