TTR-Louis XVI "Petit Trianon" Chairs NEW & REDUX
House & Garden
I've always loved the Louis XVI Arm Chair so I'm absolutely delighted to bring you an updated version with MORE Animations, MORE textures, LESS Land Impact & LESS L$.
This elegant Louis XVI chair was inspired by the furniture used in the Salon of Marie Antoinette's Petit Trianon. It boasts a frame of carved oak (light or dark) and striking flowered silk fabric.
Curl up with a good book, relax with a cup of tea, enjoy a glass of red wine or host a sing-along as you play your own guitar,. With 25 animations (unisex, female, male, chat). there's a lot to keep you occupied. You'll also find writing & dining animations making the chair a perfect companion for your own desk or table.
There's also a NEW side chair for those that don't want to be bothered with arms
You can find them at the Petit Trianon (of course!) or on the SLM Arm Chair , Side Chair .
Merci Beaucoup!
updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 04 Jan 2017 05:29:14PM