Forum Activity for @tatiana-dokuchic

Tatiana Dokuchic
14 Feb 2016 06:45:53AM
1,919 posts

TTR-Louis XVI "Salon" Chairs THEY'RE BACK

House & Garden

The "Salon" chairs were always the most popular of my Louis XVI line so I'm delighted to bring them back better than ever withMORE Animations, MORE textures, LESS Land Impact & LESS L$.


This elegant Louis XVI Arm Chair was inspired by the furniture used in the Salon of Marie Antoinette's Petit Trianon. It boasts a frame of carved oak (light or dark) and silk damask fabric. Touch the chair back to select from five different fabric colours (Red, Green, Pink, Gold or Blue).


Curl up with a good book, relax with a cup of tea, enjoy a glass of red wine or host a sing-along as you play your own guitar,. With 25 animations (unisex, female, male, chat). there's a lot to keep you occupied. You'll lso find writing & dining animations making the chair a perfect companion for your own desk or table.

There's also a brand-new side chair.


You can find them at the Petit Trianon (of course!) or on the SLM Arm Chair , Side Chair .

Many thanks!


updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 06 Oct 2016 03:01:02PM
Tatiana Dokuchic
28 Feb 2016 05:26:41AM
1,919 posts

Royal Court members create "The Wounded Angels" for 2016 SL Home & Garden Expo supporting Relay for Life

General Discussion

I'm delighted that this wonderful exhibit is getting the recognition it deserves. Will be reposting the link to my various social media accounts :)

Tatiana Dokuchic
13 Feb 2016 08:41:53AM
1,919 posts

Royal Court members create "The Wounded Angels" for 2016 SL Home & Garden Expo supporting Relay for Life

General Discussion

What a wonderful project!

Many thanks to Lorsagne and all the creators who helped to bring her vision to life.

Tatiana Dokuchic
08 Feb 2016 10:13:44AM
1,919 posts

“If you just build it, they might not come”: promoting events in SL

Bloggers' Corner

Thought I would share links to this interesting series written by guest blogger Caledonia Skytower on Inara Pey's Living in a Modemworld.

If you just build it, they might not come: promoting events in SL

If you build it, they will come, may be a misquote from a certain Hollywood movie featuring Kevin Costner, Ray Liotta and James Earl Jones, but there are times when it feels like it is the motto by which many live by when developing something in a virtual world we want to share with others.

But here is the myth-shattering reality: it takes almost as much time and effort to promote something successfully, as it does to create it. Event and ongoing venue promotion is hard work.

If you just build it, they might not come: promoting events in SL (2)

Part Two: The Basics Who? What? Where? When? How?

How. This is a little different from the other four. How is an opportunity. It is a place for you to make other information and details available. This can come in the form of a url link to your website, and informational notecard. If you dont have a website, it is easier than ever to make one using WordPress or Googles Blogger. You just need an email account to create one. Making a web-based information page makes it easy for people to get more details, and becomes the central place for you to update that information.

One of the main objectives of this site is to make the How a bit easier for those of us promoting historical events :)

Part Three: Words matter. So does how you use and share them

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 06 Oct 2016 06:39:05AM
Tatiana Dokuchic
07 Feb 2016 03:22:03PM
1,919 posts

Carnevale on Rocca Sorrentina

Communty News & Events

Looks absolutely wonderful!

Tatiana Dokuchic
02 Feb 2016 06:16:09AM
1,919 posts


Communty News & Events


It's wonderful to see this taking shape!

Merci beaucoup!

Tatiana Dokuchic
31 Jan 2016 05:44:56AM
1,919 posts

"Winter's Intrigue" Art Exhibition

Communty News & Events

Looking forward to seeing this even though my RL climate is far from moderate.

On another note, the amount of fun I have with thoseinteractive easels is highly amusing :)
