Tatiana's Tea Room: Setting up Shop on the Kitely Market
Business Announcements
I'm delighted to announce the latest online location of Tatiana's Tea Room on the Kitely Market!
I've been busy setting up shop and porting products over from my main store in Second Life. Everything sold from this location will be marked as Export allowing purchases to be transfer to their owners in other grids.
It really is exciting to be plugged into the Hypergrid!
Needless to say, it's going to take a while before I really feel established but I feel I'm off to an excellent start. Though there's still a lot to learn, I found the Kitely Market very easy to use and I absolutely love the option of creating product variations.
Kudos to the Kitely team for making merchandise setup so painless.
Have you made the jump to the Kitely Market? How did it go? I'm really interested in hearing your stories, tips & tricks. As a newbie I could really use all the advice I can get.
Originally published as Tatiana's Tea Room: Setting up Shop on the Kitely Market
updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 05 Jan 2017 04:40:31PM