Forum Activity for @lady-hartfield

Lady Hartfield
17 Jun 2011 05:45:26PM
264 posts

"La Cloche" - Jojo Deed's Antiques: Reopening!

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Comme se dit la chere Madame de Panacek: YAY!!! :))
Lady Hartfield
13 Jun 2011 11:59:31AM
264 posts

Introducing Eleanore.

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Gorgeous - just what I should expect from you, cherie. :)

(Goes to arrange another advance against next month's rents)

Lady Hartfield
09 Jun 2011 10:12:11PM
264 posts

A neverending site: Versailles

Communty News & Events

Of course, IRL, Versailles was an "ongoing" project right up until October 1789 ... and of course the wings were "treated" to new decor by Louis-Philippe in the 1830s (although, in his defense, as someone recently pointed out to me, the wings would likely have crumbled to dust had he not pulled out all the panelling and then redone them for his own purposes, thus, he saved many period panels and the buildings, too ... a good point). Even today the buildings change as conservationists and historians try to re-imagine the rooms and maintain the structure while doing least damage. I do hope people enjoy what is now available in the SL Versailles, a lot of hard work was put into it, and of course as MJ says if you fall through a hole, please IM a manager, we'll be happy to help you out!! (as we've ALL fallen through holes many times, no need to be embarrassed ... annoyed? maybe ;) but such a pretty floor to fall through!! :) )

At the moment the Royal Chapel is up in the air ... unlike the one IRL, which is very solid, but I understand beautiful and otherworldly in a heavenly sense ...

Lady Hartfield
24 Apr 2011 01:14:23PM
264 posts


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P.S. *I* didn't pick the names, it says nothing about my personal feelings about any particular person!!!!


Lady Hartfield
24 Apr 2011 12:53:07PM
264 posts


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The Lamballe is pretty but I super-heart the Charlotte!!!

Lady Hartfield
20 Apr 2011 01:18:30PM
264 posts

[M] It's... a new... CREATION!

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<333 that color!!! (licks) really pretty, cherie :^)
Lady Hartfield
18 Apr 2011 06:26:14PM
264 posts

18th century wigs & hair for women

General Discussion

Absolutely not! Interesting discussion actually. No worries! :^)
Lady Hartfield
16 Apr 2011 10:11:20AM
264 posts

18th century wigs & hair for women

General Discussion

In terms of wearing a wig, or any hair, in 18thC settings, the choice of the individual *does* depend on your av, your char, as you interpret her, and the location you are in. If you are a Versailles courtier IC at Versailles, then the best thing is to fasten on the wig you most like from one of the several accomplished period wig makers, especially the lower ones they have been bringing out as the court is now set in the year 1772 and the pouf was not introduced until 1774 (when it took over with a vengeance!). If you are a Coeur resident at home in the Duche, you can wear almost an unlimited choice of styles by providers from across the grid, as long as it is in keeping with your character and the period - for example, I think it would be very hard to justify hair in an unnatural bright pink or yellow for which dye would not have been available within the broad time limits set by the Duche, but more natural long styles or updos in natural colors are not a problem at all, and your character might even have a reason for wearing a rather short style, it is possible! So it really depends on all these factors, which is why it is fun to visit different locales in our world; there is a challenge both in meeting stricter standards, and in having a very free rein in our choices.

I have tried to make wigs and they are not easy at all. The "successful" period designers seem to have an eye for style and also for what will work in SL. Interpreting period dress and costume in SL presents unique technical challenges that different designers approach in (sometimes radically) different ways; this can be seen not only in the varying shapes and styles of women's skirts, but also in the different approaches taken in modelling men's coats. With clothing it often comes down to a question of the display of fabric and design of the garment versus achieving a feel of movement of the fabric and the garment; some designers tend to one preference in their technical solutions and some to the other. With wigs and "hair", it is again, I think, a question of recreating the shape and image of the wig as it seemed IRL, versus having something on the av's head that "moves" and "feels" like hair. Of course, for any attachment, be it part of a garment, hair, whatever, the *ideal* is that it both re-present the shape and texture of the thing as it is IRL, *and* seem to have the same sort of movement, thanks to how the designer has created the prim(s), manipulated the gravity, etc. This is exceedingly difficult but the longer designers work at it, the better they become.

As a side note, I'll add, for "modern" SL, I tend to buy hair from Truth, I just adore how she has achieved this sort of realistic shape and beautiful hair textures, yet she tends to add just the right amount of flexi-hair to achieve movement. I also adore Lamb and Clawtooth, but after wearing Truth hair, sometimes Lamb and Clawtooth hair just seems to ... sit there! Ah well, the problem of finding good stuff, it ruins the other stuff for you!! ;^P

Lady Hartfield
14 Apr 2011 04:07:33AM
264 posts


General Discussion

Eeeks, awfully sorry, this is why they are called "griefers". Glad you have a land baron going to the Lindens, they do get results, don't they? - Eeeks.
Lady Hartfield
13 Apr 2011 07:59:10PM
264 posts

Estate Sale!! Come for things you just can't get anymore - except for Monday and Tuesday!!

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Thank you all so much for coming by, this was more successful than I had hoped, almost all of my objets found new homes and I hope you will all be pleased with them!

Dear Conte, I do appreciate your taking a look, all my lovely furnishings went very quickly on Monday - but the entire sale helped raise funds to furnish my new OOC home in Costa Rica, and also (of course) to spread back through the wonderful designers of clothing and goods in our baroque lands!

The sale is now ended - merci merci merci a tout!
