Forum Activity for @lady-hartfield

Lady Hartfield
12 Apr 2011 06:29:48PM
264 posts

Estate Sale!! Come for things you just can't get anymore - except for Monday and Tuesday!!

Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **

HAH I 'm so wrong, actually I have another day on my lease! So feel free to come on by, still have out goods listed above and will post here if I have more - or if inventory goes :)
Lady Hartfield
12 Apr 2011 03:33:17PM
264 posts

Estate Sale!! Come for things you just can't get anymore - except for Monday and Tuesday!!

Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **

Sorry I did not reply earlier, ma chere vache, there is a beautiful stream with clear water, and fresh grass, also I can pull out some petit-fours and tea if you've developed a taste for these.
Lady Hartfield
12 Apr 2011 03:31:48PM
264 posts

Estate Sale!! Come for things you just can't get anymore - except for Monday and Tuesday!!

Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **

Bien! I have just put out ...

- some more jewelry

- some lovely gowns and shoes from the White Rose

- and some things for the gentlemen from Trasgo Beaumont!

And I'll be putting out plants; I've got trees trees trees, to help you do your part to make SL more "green". Just a few hours left, come see what's here!!

Lady Hartfield
11 Apr 2011 04:05:50PM
264 posts

Estate Sale!! Come for things you just can't get anymore - except for Monday and Tuesday!!

Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **

NOOOOOO no mais non!!! Only making my inventory smaller!! Too many things!!

You will not get rid of me that easily!! ;^)

Lady Hartfield
11 Apr 2011 12:52:35PM
264 posts

Estate Sale!! Come for things you just can't get anymore - except for Monday and Tuesday!!

Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **

Okay, I have some more furniture coming out, I have some really fab plants and trees from Heart and Botanical, and ... clothes!! (squee!!) And paintings (though none of Myron's, sorry, those I keep!)!! I have to take a breaky but I will post when I have the new stuff set up, so don't sweat!! Go out, have lunch or supper, and you should be able to do some more shopping by 2:30 pm SLT!
Lady Hartfield
11 Apr 2011 09:00:34AM
264 posts

Estate Sale!! Come for things you just can't get anymore - except for Monday and Tuesday!!

Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **

(smiles) Thanks for the sweet comments, glad you like ... going to put more things out since prims are freed up!
Lady Hartfield
10 Apr 2011 11:13:28PM
264 posts

Estate Sale!! Come for things you just can't get anymore - except for Monday and Tuesday!!

Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **

Yes, dear friends, it's time for a serious personal inventory clearance, so ... today and tomorrow, Monday 11 April and Tuesday 12 April, please come to my old land and see all the goodies netted up from three years' (and several alts' ...) worth of life in the courts. All prices insanely low, makers you just can't find on the grid anymore ... new pieces will be added until my lease ends on Tuesday night, so please come over, and if you're looking for something special, IM me, who knows, I might just have it! Merci and enjoy!!

updated by @lady-hartfield: 18 Oct 2016 08:45:17PM
Lady Hartfield
10 Apr 2011 11:51:44AM
264 posts

Coeur Fair Releases -Trefusis Designs-

Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **

Oh, no, I think we *are* a cult, I pray every day for a new release ...

sooofeeahhhommmm ... (kneeling profoundly, touches forehead to ground ...)

"Sophia crack"?? no, no, perhaps not, don't listen to me ...

Lady Hartfield
09 Apr 2011 07:37:25PM
264 posts

Coeur Fair Releases -Trefusis Designs-

Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **

(makes blabbery adoring incomprehensible remarks on the gowns, their designs, and especially the choice of fabrics and trims ...) I LOVE THEM ALL!!!

By the way, ladies, Mme la Duchesse de Rochefort reminded me, that the beautiful necklace "Le Pondichery" made by our beloved Celebrian, Duchess of Ravenspur, goes PERFECTLY with the Jonquil gown, being of pearl with a peridot drop, so if you are fortunate enough to have that in your inventory, do try it on!

Sophia, the Coeur Fair is always great fun, just remember to take your family tree in a notecard and hand it round preemptively, then they won't give you such a hard time on the whole "and who are you related to??" business. ;)

Lady Hartfield
09 Apr 2011 09:16:54PM
264 posts

Makes me wonder?

General Discussion

I have seen this also in other styles of RP as well. Last summer, while I was more or less "away" from the baroque monde, I watched with some detachment as several acquaintances built a medieval-ish village on certain lines ... and then two weeks after their sim had opened, a girl who had previously been affiliated with *that* RP, and her partner, began a second RP on almost identical lines, only slightly changed, and with a very similar name. To say it was annoying was an understatement. Steampunk, Gor, sci-fi, oh yes, now I recall a Roman copycat ... it happens everywhere. The best thing is to create something new, in the same genre as someone else is fine but if the exact thing you want has already been taken ... unless (and this is the only ONLY reason I could ever imagine for "stepping on toes", and all the same the new group would be well advised at all times to be on terms of friendship with the group which existed first) one is ABSOLUTELY certain that in builds, RP roles and scenes, tone, overall quality, all of one's proposed new RP would be UNQUESTIONABLY superior to what already exists ... just stay away.

What I have long observed, in our little world, is that so many of us want to be (for example) Marie-Antoinette. Be the star, have the top billing! But how many people want to actually do the research and role-play that role requires? In the sense of learning the courtiers, so that one knows them by their SL names and can then address them properly (Comtesse, Your Grace, Your Highness, etc.) and refer to others in conversation? As indeed is expected. Or limit themselves to what is known historically of this person, her character and ways of being, while still portraying her in a faithful way, and communicating her being and personality in the role play? Playing any famous personage isn't all cakes and gowns, or whiskey and swords, it's hard work, enjoyable if you have the aptitude for it, but I've played historical personages and I must say the freedom I have with my little Elisabeth is much more *fun* in many ways.

One of the best courts in our short history has to have been the courts, first the duchy and then the court of the Netherlands, maintained by dear Roy and Susannah Allen. The first was a court they created, what I would call a "ficticious" court, as opposed to a strictly "historical" court based on historic figures and happenings, but which was given esteem by other courts because of the quality of RP encouraged there and of course the open hospitality which they extended to all baroque courtiers. When they chose to move into a RP of the court of the United Netherlands, I think I can say with confidence that everyone was pleased and wished them well, and that their court ceremonies were always well-attended. I have always thought that this path is one too little trod, of picking out a locale, a family, a circumstance, that does not step on another's toes, and going down it with gusto and good will. I mean nothing bad by "ficticious" and think there is far more room in our world for courts that are from the country of the mind; the Coeurs are another court that is not "exactly" or perfectly based on history, yet our world is very dependent on it, and no one thinks twice about it being "made up" because it is true, it is authentic to itself, and it is open and welcoming to other courts. Also it is the dear child of good and creative parents. These things I think are key, essential to any good and lasting court whether it fits my definition of "fictitious" or "historical".

In SL, as in RL, there are going to be few people you can trust absolutely. Time and trials will show you which persons are - and are not - worthy of trust. And, as in RL, the more successful something becomes, the more people will come around who will cause problems. Fortunately, also as in RL, the more people will also come around who will be positive contributors, who will add and not subtract and detract. Also, the nice thing about studying these courts and these time periods is, that one learns of the ladies and gentlemen who lived the high-wire act of life at court, who had enemies all around, and who learned to be kind, truly gentle (genteel), witty, charming, and pleasant ... and to slice their enemies into sushi appetizers before the enemies had a chance to strike. ;)

Bonne chance to all, whatever your intentions ... but if you have bad intentions you'd best know the little duchesse has eyes in the back of her head!!
