Avatar: Lady Leena Fandango
VW: Second Life
Location: United States
Country: US
VW: Second Life
Location: United States
Country: US

And they danced and laughed and...
A spontaneous dance party came about last evening at Rocca Sorrentina near the tavern. One of the dancers got into the rum and had just made his way down from the roof! (I won't say who.)
The conversation turned completely hilarious shortly afterwards and even some gnomes made an appearance.
left to right - Rory, Aldo, Sere, Leena, Sister and Lucerius
The conversation turned completely hilarious shortly afterwards and even some gnomes made an appearance.
left to right - Rory, Aldo, Sere, Leena, Sister and Lucerius
Just have to love the spontaneous joy of SL
It's the spontaneous the really makes me realize SL can be a bit of heaven.
Gnomes R Us....now there's an idea for a SL venture.
Agreed ladies! It was spur of the moment, sometimes I think those are the best moments. :D
tlly agree, I remember having to ring in sick at work rl the day Will and Kate got married ... I've only ever done that once here.. ;p