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400 year old "Beau Sancy" Diamond Sells for 9.7 Million!

Lady Leena Fandango
12 years ago
358 posts


The people and places this stone must have been in the hands of. If only the diamond itself could talk, it would have extraordinary tales to tell :-)

See the BBC Link for auction details :D

updated by @lady-leena-fandango: 06 Oct 2016 06:11:56AM
Marie-Amelie de Tancarville
12 years ago
65 posts

pretttttyyyyy *drools* ehe....who loves me the most? *flutters eyelashes*

Sophia Trefusis
12 years ago
471 posts

Thats pretty interesting Leena :) And its such a beautiful stone.

Marie de Medici with the Beau Sancy

Lady Leena Fandango
12 years ago
358 posts

It's a beautiful rock, just a little bauble, wear it to the grocery store and stuff, yes? LOL

Sophia, great pic of the stone :)

Sophia Trefusis
12 years ago
471 posts

Yw :)

Leena if somebody were rich enough to buy the diamondthey wouldnt have to go to the grocerey store. Just send the servants while you stay home and munch chocolate :P

Lady Leena Fandango
12 years ago
358 posts


Very true, Sophia, very true :-)

MarieLouise Harcourt
12 years ago
647 posts


Henriette-Anne Honfleur
12 years ago
10 posts

I want it hihihi :)

Sir Thomas Cave
12 years ago
149 posts

"[For the event, Marie Antoinette] abandoned her more personal whims of style for the time-honored conventions of queenly pomp. For the formal procession and the religious services on May 4th, 1789, she settled on a lustrous cloth-of-silver gown, which viewed beside Louis XVIs resplendent cloth-of-gold jacket, would cast her as the moon to the Kings sun. both she and Louis XVI would emphasize the Bourbon gloire by wearing the most precious white diamonds in the crowns collection. her husband would wear the so-called Pitt or Regent diamond affixed to his hat, while Marie Antoinette would [wear] the legendarily flawless Sancy diamond."

-In The Queens Fashion: What Marie Antoinette Wore to the Revolution, Caroline Weber examines the queens choices for fashion on May 4, during the opening of the Estates General


I just checked it up, there are two stones, this one, the beau Sancy, and another, called simply 'Sancy'. The Sancy is the one worn by Marie Antoinette, which had came into the hands of Louis XIV. The Sancy was thus domiciled in France but disappeared during the French Revolution when brigands raided the Garde Meuble (Royal Treasury). As well as the Sancy, other treasures stolen were the Regent diamond, and the French Blue diamond which is known today as the Hope diamond.

Lady Leena Fandango
12 years ago
358 posts

Refreshed with a better scaled photo and details on the BBC link. Can you imagine 9.7 million! I wonder what that works out to in Lindens...hmmm, lol

Sophia Trefusis
12 years ago
471 posts

Oh Delos you have read that book?

I was thinking of getting it,but read some reviews where people gave it a bad rating . Is it good? Or does it just rehash old facts?

Sophia Trefusis
12 years ago
471 posts

I think approx 20000000000 L?

Lord Myron de Verne
12 years ago
113 posts

Finally sold 9 Millions Swiss Francs, only 7.5 Millions euros, a bargain.... especially considering the euro might not exist anymore in a near future, but the Beau Sancy will still be worth something:-)

I was tempted to buy it for Lady Candace, but she said it looked too " Nouveau Riche".

Lord Myron de Verne
12 years ago
113 posts

These diamonds were stolen during the Revolutionindeed, but soon found again. The Regent and the Sancy finally landed in the collections of the Louvre Museum in Paris , after having been worn by Napoleon, Louis XVIII, Charles X, Napoleon III and his wife, Empress Eugenie.

I remember having seen the Regent there, in my childhood, before the Museum renovation. This gem, one of the biggest and purest ever, was exhibited in a remote room, completely empty of visitors and without ANY museum watchman, in a dusty glass display cabinet...Incredible, but I saw it with my own eyes!

For security reasons, probably, it was withdrawn from the sight of visitors for some years, but I heardit can been seen again , along with the Sancy ( not the same as the Beau Sancy on auction) in the Crown Jewels Room in the LOUVRE.

As to the Sancy, the legend has it that its owner, Nicolas Harlay de Sancy, Surintendant des Finances of the King, had decided in 1604 to export it discreetly and sell it to England. He had entrusted his most loyal servant with this tricky and dangerous mission. During his ride to London, this confidential agent was attacked by highwaymen, and murdered. His corpse was discovered by some roadside in the woods. The diamond had disappeared.

The Baron de Sancy, knowing how loyal and trustworthy his servant was, sensed he might maybe have swallowed the diamond to keep it out of reach of the thieves. He ordered to dissect his body ( brrrr!) ... and the Sancy was there:-)

It later adorned Marie-Antoinette'sRegalia,who probably never knew where it had been hidden before...:-)

Lady Leena Fandango
12 years ago
358 posts

LOL about the Nouveau Riche part :)

Lady Leena Fandango
12 years ago
358 posts

Thank you for sharing more of the history.....and being able to see the Regent with you own eyes is fantastic! I'm amazed that these stones haven't been lost to history, to be honest, or cut down and made into other pieces.

Cheers :))

Lady Leena Fandango
12 years ago
358 posts

Thanks for replying with more history and adding a great pictoo!

I saw the Hope Diamond at the was beautiful, bit of a disappointing display though, in my humble opinion. Of course security plays a key role, lol. But something a bit more refined and givingthe stone it's own bit of 'stage' would be nicer :-)