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“Memoirs of the Court of Marie Antoinette” by Madame Campan

Duchesse de Montausier
15 years ago
4 posts
For those interested, the Historic Memoirs of Madam Campan,
First Lady in Waiting to the Queen Marie Antionette, are in the public domain, and can be read and downloaded at many sites, for example at .

Madame Campan came to Versailles at the age of 15 to become the reader to the Mesdames Tantes, the three daughters of Louis XV, well before Marie-Antionette arrived at Court to marry Louis XVI. She became first lady-in-waiting to Madame La Dauphine, and was therefore in a perfect position to witness the events concerning Marie Antionette, and the general workings of life at Versailles. The memoirs were first published in 1823, and are now, fortunately, available in the public domain.

A real must for everyone who likes to know more about life at Versailles in the late 18th century, written down by an eye-witness. I hope you enjoy it!

updated by @duchesse-de-montausier: 06 Oct 2016 06:03:34AM
Tatiana Dokuchic
15 years ago
1,919 posts
Thanks for the link, Michelle!I've seen Madame Campan quoted many times and I knew her memoirs were in the public domain but I never investigated further. Now I will :)

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Lord Myron de Verne
15 years ago
113 posts
I completely agree and this is recommended reading.Thank you for posting this, Madame, and dear Neighbor:)Except, maybe...I would advise the Ladies of Versailles not to read this book when Her Grace the Duchess de Noailles is around...She might resent it...I can't be sure the harsh words of Madame Campan regarding " Madame Etiquette" are undeserved, but they certainly are as far as Marie-Josette Laville is concerned:)))
Prince de Craon
15 years ago
47 posts
Thank you!!! I'm always wanted to read Mdme. Campan "Memoirs", now I'm reading with my poor a good album of "photos" of these times, and, of course, a great inspiration!!!