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Closer Connections: Duché de Coeur & Rocca Sorrentina

Tatiana Dokuchic
11 years ago
1,919 posts

.:**: .:**:

The Duch de Coeur & Rocca Sorrentina


Delighted to Announce


Exciting Joint Venture


Our two Lands


.:**: .:**:

Through the goodwill of our communities, the magic of Second Life andthe addition of two, brand-new, sailable regions,the Duch de Coeur and Rocca Sorrentina are forming a closer connection. This new configuration will allowfortravel between the two realms by sea or air (for those brave enough to venture out in a hot air balloon) while discovering the delights of our respective nations en route.

As you can imagine, there's a lot to do and work hasjust begun with the addition of Provence Coeur Sud2. We're going to be very busy dredging harbours,forming islandsand attending to all the little details that will make this awonderful, newdestination.

As for the communities themselves; ownership, management and administration will remain the same as they've always been and we look forward to the closer ties that our physical proximity and shared vision will bring to us all.

We hope you will stay tuned for all the exciting developments as they unfold.

Aldo, Bedrich, Sere, Skye & Tatiana.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 06 Oct 2016 06:25:42AM
Jane Ixtar
11 years ago
115 posts

Not quite sure how you work all this out with pixels, but it's great news, a great initiative which will absolutely make the whole greater than the sum of the parts (and the parts are gorgeous). Congratulations and good luck !!

updated by @jane-ixtar: 27 Jan 2017 04:45:53AM
Louis XVI
11 years ago
11 posts

Sounds like very good news, I look forward to sailing between the sims!

MarieLouise Harcourt
11 years ago
647 posts

This is such exciting news, I will be sure to follow the developments!

Tatiana Dokuchic
11 years ago
1,919 posts

Thanks everyone! We're all very excited about this :)

The new configuration will be added to the south of Provence Coeur Est2. The first sailable region Provence Coeur Sud2 is already in place. The second sailable region will be added to the south of that and then Rocca Sorrentina will be to the south of that. You will be able to sail in a direct line between Rocca Sorrentina and the Duch.

We are also changing the shoreline of Provence Coeur Est2 and Provence Coeur Estto provide better access to the existing Duch waterways.

Further information can be found at Exciting Holiday Sail!

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Aldo Stern
11 years ago
157 posts

we're very excited about this plan, which we think will be beneficial to both communities. we are very appreciative of how Skye, Bedrich and Tatiana are open to working with us in a cooperative enterprise like this. It has been a very positive and enjoyable process.

11 years ago
123 posts

I am sure these changes will be wonderfulfor residents and visitors of the two lands.

And I am thinking that if we will be able to sail in a direct line, maybe even I could sail without any risk, instead of looking from my window as others do.

Congratulations for such ambitious project, I feel a proud Coeur resident.

Lady Burnstein
11 years ago
225 posts

A wonderful informationthis!!!

I wish all you a good luck for a this excited and wonderful job!!! :))

Joan Claremont
11 years ago
363 posts

I was so excited hearing this new in the Rocca meeting yesterday. Two of my most favorite Sims united in SL! Now I just need a boat to ferry my silks and lace back and forth. ;D

Tatiana Dokuchic
11 years ago
1,919 posts

Hehe ... Joan - Bedrich is actually working on a ferry with a system similar to the carriages that will take you through the waterways.

He did mention that he was looking at the ability to load merchandise so your wish may actually come true!

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Tatiana Dokuchic
11 years ago
1,919 posts

Very enjoyable, Aldo!

We've gone through numerous rolls of parchment and burn many candles during the planning process now comes the physical labour. I think I'll have to buy myself a new pair of boots to keep my feet dry while I'm dredging the harbour :)

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Bedrich Panacek
11 years ago
21 posts

Initial tests on the new barge/ferry service are positive, though there are a number of details to work out. There will be two ferry services, one scheduled, and the other an "on-demand" version that can be directed by a passenger. The on-demand service will be intended for delivering rawmaterials and picking up processed cargo at the mills. This system will use the locks, so they need to be automated (since very few people have figured out how to use them).

The scheduled ferry service will run between the commercial centers. The initial rollout should have support for a number of passengers that will "seat" themselves on the ferry by standing or sitting on the railing. The center of the barge will carry crates, though it is not yet clear whether they can be loaded and unloadedin Rocco Sorrentina. We know this can work anywhere in the duchy.

The idea behind the cargo will essentially be for RP and advertising for the merchants of both sims. If you recall the wagon tests we did a couple of years ago, marked physical crates could be loaded in the wagon at the warehouse. These were then delivered to various points in the village. This system would be used on the barges to carry crates to any of the docks. If we find problems with permissions between the two sims, we will have the crates load "virtually". :)

The barges will also be large enough to carry a carriage. This has not yet been tested, and it may not be practical to do. However, in preparation for that, the barges will approach some docks head-on. A ramp will be used to help with loading. This may not be in the initial February release, but it would be fun to do!

For clarity, the scheduled barges will not be under user control. These will be completely autonomous, though will have a bell announcing arrival, pending departure, and actual departure. The on-demand barges will allow the user to set the destination, but the actual navigation will be handled by the barge.

Lorsagne de Sade
11 years ago
313 posts

Oh, this is such wonderful news!

Jane Ixtar
11 years ago
115 posts

Bedrich's modes of transportwhich include lock operation to be sure, are where you canexperience the possibilities of Sl.Awesome - read the history of the locks, and yes- wonderful and real and tricky. Coeur residents in the past and present will know the delightwhen boardingthe carriages at the Coeur, and the paths they take between locations, so beautifully sequenced. I can't encourage people more, really to trade, immerse and experience thesims now.I love Coeur life and despite what it seems, I didn't respond here in order to get Bedrich to accept my Ning friend offer finally after 8 months of waiting. SeriouslyB, look at the detail, JK LOLLL

Bedrich Panacek
11 years ago
21 posts

I am one of those from 1787 that has no idea what a book of faces is for, and that blaughing is something you do when you drink more at the tavern than you can handle. Therefore, my skills at finding a page of friend requests are lacking. :)

Seriously, despite my lack of interest in social networking, I love the practical implementation of devices and exploring the limits of what can be done in SL from a simulation perspective. Many people find this as a way to safely socialize. I find it enjoyable to create a simulation within our constraints. The constraints raise challenges and help me to understand the world from the perspective of someone living in the 18th century. Because of my interest here, I travel in RL to research how things work and how people lived (exhibits around Charlottesville, Virginia and Winston-Salem, North Carolina have been especially interesting).

The rowboats, carriages, and barges depend on technology outside of SL to operate (e.g. the carriages use a server for routing, providing your favorite destinations, finding your home, knowing where shops are located that sell what you are looking for, giving you the option to call your own carriage), but the fact that it is possible to use external resources makes SL that much more interesting!

The next step will be up to people to take part in trading and immerse themselves as you so eloquently put it. Let us know what would make the simulation even more immersive and realistic.

How can we show people not only the time frame, but the concepts that radically changed how we see the world (for better or worse)? On a social scale, we have backed away from religion in large part because of the enlightenment, but what do we put in its place to maintain morality? If we can't encourage people to care about each other through superstition and blind acceptance, how do we lead our children to follow the "golden rule"? We didn't need huge amounts of power in the 18th century. In some cases, we have lost the technology they used to keep their house cool in the summer (e.g. using a south facing wall as a solar chimney to vent out the house through the roof), created residential zoning to keep businesses away from our homes so we must use cars to do almost anything, etc.

There are numerous topics to explore and we are exceptionally pleased to work with Aldo, Sere, and entire team at Rocca Sorrentina and many of our own people as well, esp. Farzaneh and our other educators as we help bring these issues to light!

Lorsagne de Sade
11 years ago
313 posts

Duch de Coeur and Rocca Sorrentina were among the small handful of sims I discovered as a total Noob that I immediately liked and wanted to spend time exploring. Both inspired the design and construction of my own tiny little corner of SL and the quality of the builds and the content sets a standard for me to work to emulate. (with my pitiful building skills, it will be a long time before I can even come close!) I cannot wait for the new ferry, but in the meantime am enjoying seeing the vision unfold here.

Jane Ixtar
11 years ago
115 posts

Bedrich, living in 1787 as you do, you are excused. Hilarious. I hadn't thought about the intricacies of the program on another server for the carriages but that's cool. Curious you have access to a server in 1787 but I'll let that one go. The questions you pose are ripe for researching and the learning will be enhanced due to theexperiential nature of SL.I have never been so interested in the real world as I am now while immersing in the virtual.So great to have your commentary.

Alessandra di Fiorentino-Conti
11 years ago
205 posts
I am looking forward that the most beautiful Sims will be connected.... It will be fun to sail in them :-)