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Regency Redux

Merry Chase
11 years ago
154 posts

Dear Royal Courts friends,

We're back! Regency Somerset got very quiet while its admins were busy with... well, you know. That other place. The place with the tired typists. But Cara Cali and I are ready to breathe a little life back into Port Austen and the Royal Crescent, so please join us.

It all starts Saturday 6 September with the reopening of Nelson's Blood Tavern, on the waterfront, next to the Sanditon shops:


Your tavernkeep Merry Chase pours a taste, just to make sure the beer is still fresh, before we reopen Nelson's Blood this Saturday.

Make it a habit. The 'sBlood will be open to entertain the bloodthirsty, those thirsting for Regency romance, or the just plain thirsty, with drinking, dancing, and telling tall tales, every Saturday from 3:30 to 5pm SLT

Antiquity's Regency Somerset offers lovely walks and public spaces, so please explore any time, inside and out (just respect the private residences). Make yourself at home in the tavern, the inn, a variety of shops, the orangerie, martello tower, docks, library and gardens.

The year is 1814 and the RP is light. To help you get started, if you're new to the era, there's a freebie gown in the library and another at the Port Austen outlet of Chez Giroux.

We hope you'll come for the occasional special event too. For example... Cara and I will host a tea in the newly-redecorated orangerie, on Thursday 18 September. We'll put on an early tea at 2pm SLT, and a new pot at 3pm. The tea party is to celebrate the new life in Somerset ... and a couple of other things we'll tell you about when you get there.

My tarot salon in Rocca Sorrentina will remain active, as will I remain involved in Rocca's always-fascinating society and events. But I hope some of my friends from there and elsewhere around the grid will come enjoy the Regency with me.


Merry Chase

updated by @merry-chase: 11 Jan 2017 02:57:18AM
Merry Chase
11 years ago
154 posts

Oops, I said that time wrong. The tea party is at 3pm on Thursday 18 September. I'll make an Event for that.

Lady Leena Fandango
11 years ago
358 posts

Great news Merry :)

Summer Serendipity
11 years ago
69 posts

Yes, this is good news Merry. I hope to be able to join you for some of the fun. ( ;

Stephanie Mesler
11 years ago
93 posts

This may be an opportunity for the older Fanny Burney (by then, Mdm. D'Arblay) to make an appearance. Unfortunately, I cannot make 2pm Thursday events because I teach a writing class on Book Island. Hopefully, I'll be able to make one of the other gatherings.

Candace Ducatillon
11 years ago
204 posts

Darn. I could have come for 2 pm for a while ... but not 3 pm. Not in the cards for me I guess !!

Regardless, I am happy to hear your news and enthusiasm and know I will visit from time to time.

Stephanie Mesler
11 years ago
93 posts

Oh wait! 3pm! THAT, I can do, though I might be a tad late changing attire from teaching to rp. Very cool.

Merry Chase
11 years ago
154 posts

Well then, it looks like I'll just have to put the teapot on a little early! 3 is late for a lot of people. See you at 2 then maybe?

Merry Chase
11 years ago
154 posts

Thanks Leena! I hope you can hop across the seas and the years and spend some time in Regency. I do love our Enlightenment adventures but the Regency skirts are so much more practical than baroque.

Merry Chase
11 years ago
154 posts

Always so much to do and so little time! I'm sorry there's a conflict with your writing class for the Thursday tea. But that's actually at 3pm (with perhaps a pre-tea at 2) so if you're done by 3-ish, Thursday the 25th, do join us!

The tea is a one-off event, but the tavern will be open every Saturday 3-5:30, so I do hope Mdm D'Arblay will make an appearance. I would be delighted to meet Fanny's older self and fascinated to see how she makes her transition from one era to the other.

Stephanie Mesler
11 years ago
93 posts

Wait, I thought it was the 18th. I am so confused.

Merry Chase
11 years ago
154 posts

Oops, I think I'm the one who is confused. Yes. Tea on Thursday the 18th at 2 AND 3 pm. I'm sorry, there are big holes in my brain and lots of little facts fall right out.

Stephanie Mesler
11 years ago
93 posts

No worries! I can sooo relate!

Tiamat Windstorm von Hirvi
11 years ago
359 posts

Yes, we are all confused sometimes, when we start collating historical and real life calendars, and SL and RL clocks!

Antiquity Hedgewitch
Merry Chase
11 years ago
154 posts

We will keep the RP light and simple (and probably very playful) but if you'd like to take on an extra challenge, feel free to spice your conversation with some Regency slang. Here are a couple of extensive lists. You can use terms and then define them ((ooc in parentheses)) or maybe just send us all scurrying for our phrase books, until some of these phrases become familiar to us all.

Tavernkeep Mistress Chase gets busy polishing the glassware and makes sure cook has been basting the roast and not pinching the pies, as we prepare for guests.

Merry Chase
11 years ago
154 posts

Thanks to the nice crowd who showed up and rp'd so entertainingly today at Nelson's Blood! We had a great time and look forward to seeing you again and those who missed it today too, any Saturday 3:30 to 5pm SLT, and at the special tea in the orangery on the 18th.

Tiamat Windstorm von Hirvi
11 years ago
359 posts

Yes, Sunday in the tavern was a bit of a crush! And much more invigorating than any crush at Almack's.

Antiquity Hedgewitch